Learning & Teaching News


Once again in 2020 the College has purchased the EDROLO package for each Year 12 VCE student. I include details in this week’s newsletters to assist parents in partnering with their sons and daughters through this important year of study.


What is Edrolo?

Edrolo provides interactive videos and exam questions for Year 12 students. Edrolo is currently used by over 800+ schools and 160,000+ students in Victoria.


For some subjects,  Edrolo’s textbooks will also be provided. These new texts do everything a traditional textbook does with the added benefit of several innovative features to better support teachers and students.


You can find out more about how Edrolo will support your child in their VCE in this short video.


How will our students and teachers use Edrolo?

We will use Edrolo as a teaching and learning tool to further enhance what our teachers and students are doing day-to-day.


Our teachers have been provided with training on how to best utilise the resource, and will guide students to use Edrolo in a range of ways across the year, including:

  • holiday homework;
  • pre-class work;
  • post-class consolidation;
  • assessment preparation; and
  • examination revision.


All students have been emailed details of logging in to EDROLO. They are encouraged to use the resource over the holidays to kick start their studies. Students are able to move ahead and complete all the units prior to returning in 2020.


Edrolo has been deemed an outstanding support resource, providing our students with the best opportunity to perform to their potential. Please encourage your sons and daughters to take full advantage of this opportunity.


Students at St Peter's are lucky that the college is invested in the program and will be moving forward. I think parents need constant reminders that VCAL is a legitimate pathway for their children. 


For more information please click here.

Ms Marlene Jorgensen

Deputy Principal - Learning and Teaching