Clyde North Campus News
Thinking Errors
This week students engaged in conversations during Tutor Group with their Learning Advisor about thinking errors. What are these and how do they impact on our perception, outlook and even wellbeing? More importantly how do we correct this errors?
Our self-talk guides our behaviour and influences the way we interact with others. It also plays a major role in how you feel about yourself, other people, and the world in general. There are situations where our thoughts are not a realistic representation of what has happened and this can lead to misunderstandings, miscommunication, and conflict with peers and even unhealthy decisions. Whether you're striving to reach personal or professional goals, the key to success often starts with recognizing and replacing inaccurate thoughts.
Here are some of the common thinking errors, for more details go to Beyond Blue. Parents and guardians I encourage you to share in this discussion and how all of us may at times default to some type of thinking error.
Fixing Thinking Errors: Once you recognize your thinking errors, you can begin trying to challenge those thoughts. Look for exceptions to the rule and gather evidence that your thoughts aren't 100% true. Then, you can begin replacing them with more realistic thoughts.
The goal doesn't need to be to replace negative thoughts with overly idealistic or positive ones. Instead, replace them with realistic thoughts. Changing the way we think can take effort and may seem difficult but with practice we become better at identifying the thinking error and correcting it.
Year 10 2020
As the 2019 year 9 students moved into the senior space of year 10 (2020) they underwent two important and formative activities this week; Peer Support Training and Career Planning. Peer Support is a critical program which supports year 7 students’ transition into secondary school. The training provides year 10 students will strategies and skills in supporting this transition. For those year 10 students who will go on to become full peer support leaders, I look forward to seeing how you guide and mentor the year 7 students of 2020. My thanks to Mr Peter Brannan and the House Leaders who organised and lead this program.
The Career Planning Seminar organised by Mrs Robyn Cardamone was a wonderful opportunity for students to gain insight into what companies and corporations such as Macdonald’s look for when hiring young people. It is critical that students take every opportunity provided by the College to develop their knowledge and understanding of planning the steps involved in developing a career plan. My thanks go to Robyn for all of her hard work in developing this critical program.
Our Final Week
Tuesday, 3 December 2019: Pastoral period – our final Strive & Thrive session – PE uniform
Presentation Night at Bunjil Place.
Thursday, 5 December 2019: Advent Mass will be held at the Cranbourne Campus (Hall)
commencing at 9.45am – please see caremonkey notification.
Friday, 6 December 2019: Last day and Activity day for all students – Please see caremonkey
I wish you all a safe and productive week.
Julie Banda
Deputy Principal - Head of Clyde North Campus