Dear Parents and Guardians,


We will have 4 transition days in Term 4 in preparation for school in 2020.  Each session will be 11.30am - 1.30pm.  Children can wear comfortable clothes and shoes, bring lunch to eat and a hat to wear at play.  The days are as follows:

#2 Tuesday Oct 29th

#3 Tuesday Nov 12th – P & F and uniform shop available

#4 Tuesday Nov 26th


PAM AND UNIFORM FOR 2020 STUDENTS:   All preps and new enrolments can now order uniform via CDFpay and should now be able to access PAM via the details supplied to you.  Please ensure that you have put your child's medical details into PAM as well.  If you have misplaced your login details, please contact the office and we will assist you.  There are pages included in this newsletter called CDFpay and PAM that have all the information on it.  Please do not hesitate to talk to us on one of the transition days if you are having problems getting either of these working.


CONGRATULATIONS:  Congratulations to Paul and Rebecca Bordonaro on the safe arrival of little Samuel.  A brother for Levi and Isla. 


GOOD LUCK to our State Athletics Team who will compete at the State Athletic Championships in Melbourne tomorrow.  Go team Laurence!!

SCHOOL FEE ACCOUNTS:  Unless families are on a payment plan, all fees must be paid as soon as possible please.  School fees are not meant to be a hardship on the family budget. If you are experiencing difficulties financially, please make an appointment to see Kate Dourley and alternative arrangement may be made.


Lord, grant me tenacious winsome courage as I go through this day. When I am tempted to give up, help me to keep going. Grant me a cheerful spirit when things don't go my way. And give me the courage to do whatever needs to be done. In Jesus' name, Amen.


"For God did not give us a spirit of timidity,

but a spirit of power, of love and self-discipline." 2 Timothy 1:7