
From the Principal

And that was 2019!

The end of a school year is a good time to reflect on our many achievements and to prepare ourselves for the important work to come. As we await the coming birth of Christ, let us remember that 2019 has also given us much to celebrate. Students are continuing to grow and flourish because of the great learning that has taken place through the year as well as the strong partnership between home and school.

There have been many highlights through special days, moments and learning opportunities. All these times make any year memorable and it is what drives us all to make Christ Our Holy Redeemer the great school it is. Without the support of parents, staff and students working together we cannot do our best. I am happy to say that this combination has worked well in 2019.


Thank you to all family members who have contributed to Christ Our Holy Redeemer throughout the year. Your assistance and support around the school has been greatly appreciated. I thank you all for giving of your time and talent to make a difference to our community. My sincere thanks on behalf of the staff and the children who benefit from your ongoing commitment and generous contribution to our school. I would particularly like to thank and acknowledge those families who have their youngest child in Year 6 and will be moving on in 2020. 


I am also very grateful to the wonderful staff here at COHR who continue to support and implement the programs on offer. They are certainly a dedicated team and have contributed to another successful year of learning.


May the peace of Christ be with your family as together you celebrate His coming.

May a kind word, a reassuring touch and a warm smile be yours every day of your life, and may you give these gifts as well as receive them.

May your life be filled with joy and love.

Congratulations and thank you Signora Lucia

After 34 years in education we thank Signora Lucia, on behalf of all the schools she has worked in, for her commitment to her profession. She has been a hard working staff member here at COHR, always carrying out her role with the best interests of the children at  heart.

We wish Marisa a most enjoyable and well-deserved retirement.

Class Teachers 2020

Our classroom teachers for 2020 will be as follows;

Prep Mrs Jill Palermo/Mrs Emily Stafford

Year 1/2 Miss Emily Leckie

Year 1/2 Mrs Kim Goddard

Year 1/2 Miss Rachael O'Halloran

Year 3/4 Miss Sarah Den Elzen

Year 3/4 Miss Kristy Sly

Year 3/4 Mrs Tanya Ticca

Year 3/4 Mrs Karen Gosling/Mrs Nicole Russell

Year 5/6 Mrs Clare Inwood

Year 5/6 Mrs Ilona Cetrola

Year 5/6 Miss Emily Faela

Year 5/6 Ms Sarah Counihan

A full staff list will be included in our first newsletter  in 2020.

Going Up Day

On Monday 16th December the children will meet and spend time with their 2020 class and teacher.

Student Testing 2020

We would ask that all families ensure they book an assessment time for either the 29th or 30th January. Details will be sent home tomorrow with the  reports. Please take note of the green slip in the report envelope which contains the login code.

Italian Gelati

Thank you to Signora Lucia and our Parents Association for organising gelato for all of our students today. 

Year 6 Graduation

Tonight we will be holding a special evening to acknowledge the efforts of our Year 6 students who will be completing their final year at primary school this year. This is a night for the children and their families. The children will attend mass, share a meal together and participate in a graduation ceremony. We congratulate them all on this wonderful milestone and wish them every blessing as they commence the next step on their educational journey.

'The Redeemers' on tour!

Last Friday our  school choir, ‘The Redeemers’, went on walking tour. The children performed at 3 Bees Early Learning Centre, St John’s Kinder and Estia Aged Care, singing a small number of Christmas songs. The children are to be commended on how they represented our school. 'The Redeemers' will be performing again at our final Friday morning assembly tomorrow.


May the peace of Christ be with you and your families this Christmas.


Brendan Welsford