RE News

Family Mass

Thank you to everyone that was able to attend our first Family Mass last weekend. It was a lovely morning to come together, pray, make new friends and share a cuppa. Our next Family Mass is Sunday 5th April with Year 5 and Year 2 students asked to carry out special jobs and provide a Morning Tea to share. Everyone is most welcome!

Caritas - Project Compassion

During Lent, we try to think of others, especially those less fortunate. Project Compassion is a wonderful program run by Caritas Australia, to raise funds for communities in need. We continue to encourage students and families to make any donation they can throughout Lent. At the end of Term 1, we ask that Project Compassion boxes are sent in to school so we can forward the money to CARITAS.

St Patrick's Day

On Tuesday, 17th March, we celebrate St Patrick’s Day. We ask all children to come dressed in green mufti clothes and bring a gold coin donationto raise money for CARITAS. 


St Patrick was a Bishop and missionary in Ireland and is the patron saint of Ireland. He followed his faith, trusted God and spread God’s message of love to all. He often used shamrocks to explain the Holy Trinity; God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. After years of living in poverty, travelling and enduring much suffering because of his faith, he died March 17, 461.

First Confession

We ask that you keep the students and families who are preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confession for the first time in your prayers and thoughts. 


A reminder that the date for the Sacrament of First Confession is Wednesday 25th March at 4.00pm. The Church Piety Stall will be open before the sacrament on this day. The Piety Stall sells Catholic religious gifts such as Rosary Beads, Prayer Cards, Statues and mementos for special occasions. 


If you have any questions relating to the Sacrament of Confession, please don’t hesitate to email Amy Willis at 

Real Talk 

As part of a focus by the Catholic Schools Office in Armidale, Real Talk has been invited to speak to every Year 4, 6, 7 and 9 student across the 24 Armidale Diocesan Schools. Real Talk visited the Year 4 and 6 students at our school last year, and we are excited to have them visit again this year! Real Talk will be facilitating a session with the Year 4 & Year 6 students discussing topics of self worth, personal identity, good decision-making and cyber-safety. There is a Parent information Evening on Wednesday 1st April starting at 6.00pm in the Year 6 space at the Primary Campus. Parents from all grades are welcome.

Advanced Notice

REAL TALK - Parent information Evening on Wednesday 1st April at 6.00pm

Year 5 and Year 2 Family Mass - Sunday 5th April at 9.00am