RE News

First Sunday of Advent

Advent is a period of preparation, extending over four Sundays, before Christmas. The word Advent comes from the Latin advenio, "to come to," and refers to the coming of Christ. This refers, first of all, to our celebration of Christ's birth at Christmas; but second, to the coming of Christ in our lives through grace and the Sacrament of Holy Communion; and finally, to His Second Coming at the end of time.


This Sunday, 1st December, is the first Sunday of Advent. We light the first purple candle, typically called the "Prophecy Candle" in remembrance of the prophets, especially Isaiah, who foretold the birth of Christ. This first candle represents hope or expectation in anticipation of the coming Messiah.


Year 6 students have been studying the "Jesse Tree" which is used to help tell the story of the Bible from Creation to Christmas. Each symbol relates to a story from the Bible and helps students understand that Jesus was a descendant of King David and Catholics believe that Jesus is this new branch. 

St. Vincent de Paul Christmas Hamper Appeal

Thank you!

We have received some wonderful donations for our St. Vincent de Paul hampers, but still need more. 


continue to bring in donations of non perishable food items or new condition toys that can be put into a Christmas hamper to help those families who are struggling. Donations can be made to the class teachers or at either school Office.

Year 5 and Year 2 Family Mass

Please join Year 5 and Year 2 to celebrate our final Family Mass for 2019 on Sunday 8th December at 9.00am, Mary Help of Christians Church. We ask that students from Year 5 and Year 2 bring a plate to share for morning tea. We would love to see everyone there! 

2019 End of Year Mass & Year 6 Graduation

Our End of Year Mass and Year 6 Graduation Mass will be held on Friday 13th December in the Primary School Hall, commencing at 10.00am. Infants children will catch a bus to and from the Primary. We invite all families to come and celebrate the success of 2019, and wish our fabulous Year 6 students all the best as they embark on a new chapter in their lives.

Mary Help of Christians, South Tamworth Parish

Christmas Nativity Play

Father Paul is currently looking for students to be involved in the Christmas Pageant/ Nativity play on Christmas Eve at Mary Help of Christians Church. If your child is interested in being a part of this play, please email the Parish, with your child’s name, your name and a contact phone number, or let Mrs Clarke (Primary) and Mrs Willis (Infants) know at school.


The Parish email is:


Thank you to all of the people who have sent in lids for our Mini Vinnies project. Your response has been amazing! 


To date we have 4,697  lids.


We are smashing our goal!! 

Let’s get to 5000 by the end of Term4!




LidKids is a project helping children who  have been born without a hand, or lost a hand to illness or injury. Made out of plastic bottle lids, with a 3D printer, all of the plastic bottle lids combined are melted together to form a prosthetic hand. The lids that are suitable are the lids that say a 2 or a 4 on the bottom of the cap. 


Please send in clean lids from milk, juice and soft drink bottles. We can make a difference!    

Paige McMillan - Mini Vinnies