A Day at the Dairy! 

With the lovely smell of cow manure...

Automated Dairy Farm Visit

The calves
The calves

On Wednesday 10th of March, the whole school visited an automated dairy farm at Wiangaree. 

This was part of our Science unit based around food and where it comes from. We had a talk from Jillian, owner of the dairy farm,  who showed us the milking machines and described how the system works. 

It was quite fascinating and children were very attentive and well behaved. We learnt about how much milk a cow can give a day, how the machines  recognise each cow’s udders and also how rats can chew through expensive cables! It was a great day.

Homework Hound

Notes were recently sent out about Homework Hound, a new homework scheme. We have tried many different homework ideas over the years. 

Homework can become quite a burden for families and teachers. Homework Hound offers individualized activities online that reward success and provide a variety of activities. Please access this resource online if you wish to participate in this scheme. If you have any questions, please contact the 


Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club continues to run each morning and is quite popular. For a gold coin donation each day or $4 a week, your child can access some breakfast food, which they prepare and then tidy up after. Breakfast is such an important meal and having a healthy start to the day helps with learning as well.

By Issi
By Atlan
No name!
By Issi
By Atlan
No name!