From the Head of College

Mr Michael Newman

And We Listened

Two young women have spoken – the world listens. Eighteen-year-old Greta Thunberg has attracted international attention since her lone demonstration outside the Swedish Parliament in August 2018. She has since gone on to criticise and challenge world leaders to take immediate action against climate change. Her “school strike for the climate” has grown into a global movement that has brought some 10 million people onto the streets worldwide to demand action on climate change. Twenty-three-year-old Sydneysider, Chanel Contos has ignited a passion amongst people to put an end to the rape culture that exists in Australia. After telling her personal story of being sexually assaulted at the age of thirteen, Chanel’s honesty has led to more than 5000 testimonies from young women throughout Australia. Chanel has introduced and encouraged a narrative and need for change and the teaching of respectful relations and consent education throughout the entire school system. Both of these brave and passionate young women have spoken and the world has been inspired, and has wonderfully responded.

During this Easter season, post resurrection, another young person of history, aged approximately thirty-three years of age, spoke with similar conviction. We have been listening to his words again from the Gospel of John this week. After proclaiming his inspiring words and actions, the world listened for generations past and presumably to come. As Peter recognised, that, being the “Holy One of God”, he had the divine power to utter “words of eternal life” which are absolutely effective. (John 6:68) What was his message? “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die” (John 11:25). Thomas asked, “how do we know the way?” Jesus simply responded, “I am the way, the truth and the life” (John 14:6). So in simple terms, let’s be inspired by Jesus, to follow him and live as we were created – in his image and likeness. 


On life’s journey, may we continue to be inspired by our many rousing people of wisdom, insight, conviction, passion, principle and desire.


God of the journey, during this Easter season, may all members of the Marist family be drawn to a simple life of replicating your words and deeds. Amen.


Although receiving some negative press, the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) tests in reading, writing, language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy are being administered by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) in Weeks 4 and 5 of this term at Marist College. The boys have had adequate preparation for these tests, so we expect to see all boys performing with a sense of calm and good understanding. I ask that you ensure your son has had a good night sleep and an adequate breakfast, prior. 


As parents, please encourage your son to perform to the best of his ability in these exams. Marist College Ashgrove, values Naplan and the information these tests provide regarding each boy's literacy and numeracy capabilities. Yes, Naplan does test only one point of time on one particular day; however, these tests do provide the College with fair and comparable data so as to identify the areas in which your son is weak, so that we can assist him to improve solidly in the years to follow. Further, these tests do give us an indication of your son’s strengths for future subject selections and employment directions. Together, let’s make these NAPLAN undertakings worthwhile and a positive experience for all boys now and into the future. I appreciate your support as always. 

PNG Supplies

My thanks are extended to Mr David Cameron, former staff member and archivist who organised through Colleen Neville to have a large number of boxes containing educational equipment and supplies to be distributed to needy schools throughout PNG. These donations have been gratefully received by the teachers and children. Well done, Marist.

School Maintenance Building Fund and the School Capital Building Fund

It is with a sense of gratitude that I thank the many parents who voluntarily pay the two building funds as per your College accounts – the School Maintenance Building Fund and the School Capital Building Fund. Both of these payments are tax deductible.  They remain tax deductible while they are voluntary payments.


The School Capital Building Fund ($1200 pa) is money used by the Foundation to build new facilities for the College or to significantly refurbish existing facilities. At present we are working on a Master Plan for the future which will be announced shortly. Thus, the payment of this fund is vital to ensure we can continue to provide the best and most up-to-date facilities for your son.


The School Maintenance Building Fund ($600 pa) is used to enable the facilities in existence to be maintained appropriately for the use of your sons. This would include: painting, carpeting, replacement of furniture, repairing breaks and so on. 


It is important to understand that the College exists on the generous shoulders of those before us who volunteered much of their time and donated significantly, so that, all boys can enjoy the facilities that exist today. It is now our turn to ensure the stewardship of this fine College and its grand facilities for our boys and future generations also. This notice is to ask all parents to commit to the School Maintenance Building Fund, please. We have seen a significant fall in the payment of this fee overall, and this is concerning for the College Finance Committee. A next move would be to make the fund compulsory like most other Catholic and independent schools. So, to ensure that this does not need to occur, the College is appealing to your better nature, asking for a 100% commitment to this tax deductable fund into the future. To make a contribution simply email with 'Building Fund' in the title. In anticipation of a positive response, thank you.

Term 2 Chess, Cross Country, Rugby and Football 

Best wishes to all boys, coaches, managers and parents for the start of the 2021 AIC season which commences this weekend, Friday 30 April and Saturday 1 May. The season promises to be a very exciting one with the continuing tradition of excellent participation from our boys with some 7 Chess, 39 Rugby, 37 Football teams and over 100 boys involved in the cross-country program. I wish all the boys the best of luck, good sportsmanship and a sense of humility both on and off the field. Enjoy, gentlemen!

Outstanding Sporting Achievements

Well done to the following boys who received medals in the National Track and Field Titles:

  • Fraser Pye – second place in the Australian schoolboys Under 16 Triple Jump – 13.66m breaking the College triple jump record.
  • Joel Drew – third place in Australian schoolboys 200m hurdles.

Congratulations to the following boys who received medals at the Australian National Age Swimming Championships:

  • Matthew Magnussen: 2nd – 200 m Backstroke & 3rd 100m Backstroke.
  • James Leigh: 2nd 400m Freestyle & 3rd 200m Freestyle.

These are outstanding performances making them the top three athletes and swimmers in Australia for their age groups.

Fraser Pye, Joel Drew, Matthew Magnussen and James Leigh, with Head of College Michael Newman
Fraser Pye, Joel Drew, Matthew Magnussen and James Leigh, with Head of College Michael Newman

Year 10 Dancing

Each year, our Year 10 boys have the opportunity to learn old traditional types of dancing at the College, culminating in a final partnering and dance at the Brisbane Town Hall on Sunday 25 May. The dances are progressive for the main part. Four lessons will occur each Tuesday of this term from 7:00pm-8:30pm in the Champagnat Centre. I thank Ms Majella Stevens who has organised this opportunity for the boys. Enjoy!

Year 6 Emu Gully Excursion

This Friday 30  April, our Year 6 boys will venture to Emu Gully to undertake a day of development activities. The boys will undertake various outdoor activities with the Anzac theme aimed to build resilience and confidence while developing friendships and understanding of a wider group of their peers. This is also a great experience for the boys as they continue to build their capacity as leaders of the Primary. We wish all the boys the best of luck and their teachers. Many thanks to Mr Liam Beatty (Primary Leader) for organising this excursion for the boys.

Additional Mother–Son Breakfast

My thanks are extended to our parent committee, guest speaker, mission department, groundsmen, IT department and catering services who have agreed to offer all mothers/boys the extra opportunity to participate in the Mother-Son Breakfast, with a third date announced for the morning of Wednesday 5 May from 7:00am to 8:15am. I very much look forward to each of these breakfasts and expect to see much spoiling of the mums by our boys. 

Coming Events

Wednesday 28 April

  • Mass in Chapel
  • College Assembly
  • Parent-Teacher-Student Interviews - Microsoft Teams

Thursday 29 April

  • Marist Tennis Club Information Evening - 6:00pm - Champagnat Centre

Friday 30 April

  • Year 6 Emu Gully Excursion
  • Round 1 AIC Chess v SLC (Away)

Saturday 1 May

  • Round 1 AIC Rugby and Football v SLC (Away)

Sunday 2 May

  • Boarders’ Mass - 6:00pm (Chapel)

Monday 3 May

  • Labour Day Public Holiday

Tuesday 4 May

  • Year 10 Dancing
  • Old Boys’ Association Meeting - (Tower Function Room)

Wednesday 5 May

  • Mass in Chapel
  • Mother and Son Breakfast - All Year Levels – 7:00 am - 8:15 am - Champagnat Centre

Thursday 6 May

  • Mother and Son Breakfast Years 5 to 8 – 7:00 am - 8:15 am - Champagnat Centre

Friday 7 May

  • Mother and Son Breakfast Years 9 to 12 – 7:00 am - 8:15 am - Champagnat Centre
  • Round 2 Chess v SEC (H)

Saturday 8 May

  • Round 2 AIC Rugby/Football v SEC (H)

Sunday 9 May

  • Year 8, 10 and 11 Boarders’ Mass - 5:30pm (Chapel)
  • Year 7, 9 and 12 Boarders’ Mass - 6:20pm (Chapel)
College Assembly and Anzac Liturgy
College Assembly and Anzac Liturgy
College Assembly and Anzac Liturgy
College Assembly and Anzac Liturgy
Anzac Day March
Anzac Day March
Anzac Day March
Anzac Day March
Anzac Day March
College Assembly and Anzac Liturgy
College Assembly and Anzac Liturgy
College Assembly and Anzac Liturgy
College Assembly and Anzac Liturgy
Anzac Day March
Anzac Day March
Anzac Day March
Anzac Day March
Anzac Day March