
Join us for our Dads Group Launch with the Fathering Project

The Fathering Project, in partnership with DSC, will be launching our new "Fathering Project Dads Group" at the College on Wednesday, 24 March. An invitation is extended to all Dads and Father-figures to attend a barbeque at the College at 6.00 pm followed by a guest speaker at 6.50 pm.

If you would like to attend please RSVP to dadsgroup@doncastersc.vic.edu.au.

Three Simple Strategies to Supercharge your Attitude

By Dr Justin Coulson

I don’t like to deal with absolutes… always, never, everything, nothing. After all, I’m a research scientist. For people like me, I prefer statements like “it depends”. I try to avoid being too certain.


When I’m dealing with people, it’s hard to say something always happens or never happens. People are complicated. Does everything always work out just right? Does nothing ever work out at all? Absolutes and statements about them make me uncomfortable. They don’t seem true.


So when I come across an idea like “Attitude is Everything”, I shudder. I grimace. I pause and think, “Well, gee, I know plenty of people who had a great attitude and they still had their struggles.”

Continue reading the article here:

DSC Student Wellbeing Team