Reconciliation: Congratulations to all those students who received the Sacrament of Reconciliation last week. It can be a challenging task to say sorry and ask for forgiveness for the things we may have said or done wrong. With the encouragement and support of the families, teachers and Fr Michael our children were confident in saying ‘Sorry’ and asking for ‘Forgiveness’ during their confession.  

Holy Week: The first day of Holy Week began with Palm Sunday on the 28th March and will continue through to the holiest Sunday of the liturgical calendar, Easter Sunday 4th April. We will be commemorating the crucifixion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ during a whole School Assembly on this Holy Thursday (also known as Maundy Thursday). 4AW will exhibit the events of Holy Week during our whole school final assembly for Term One. Prayers, Scripture readings and pictures will support the learning and understanding of Holy Thursday- Last Supper and washing of the feet, Good Friday- The crucifixion of Jesus Christ and Easter Sunday- Jesus Christ Has risen from the dead.

Good Friday: This Friday 2nd April at 11:00am in the Botanical Gardens,  families are invited to attendThe ‘Way of the Cross’ service.  We  encourage families, friends, our school community,  Colac Church groups and other organisations to join us in remembering the story of Jesus’ suffering and death on Good Friday.

Have a great easter and holiday break

Julie Leonard

Religious Education Leader