From the Senior Years Leader

Sonja Mercer

SACE Information Evening

This year we are trying something new and holding two separate sessions for our SACE information Evening. Parents, Caregivers and Students are invited to attend one or both of these sessions. The intention of the evening is to provide attendees with specific information about the requirements of SACE and making subject and certificate selections for years 11 and 12.


Session One 5:30pm - for students, and families of students, currently in years 8-10. 

Session Two 6:00pm - for students, and families of students, currently in years 11.


These sessions will be held in our new PHS Conference Centre, located just behind the new lawn square in the centre of the school.


If you have any specific questions you would like addressed, please forward them to me at before this date.


Please RSVP for these sessions at 


Subject and Certificate Counselling Meetings

In weeks eight and nine (June 16 - 25), families of year 10 and 11 students are invited to participate in subject and certificate counselling and selection meetings. At these meetings students can seek clarification about 2022 subjects and make their selections as well as discuss career and education pathways. These meetings are paramount in deciding our staffing for 2022, based on the needs of PHS learners. Parents and caregivers may choose not to attend these meetings, but have their child make their selections independently.


Families will be send a direct link for booking meeting appointments in the next week.