SLA News

This term, SLA have begun reflecting on our knowledge of fractions, discovering their importance in real-life scenarios, and building a solid foundation in maths. Through interactive and engaging activities, students have been investigating different types of fractions and practicing their skills of adding, subtracting, and dividing fractions. The following pictures, students created posters of their prior knowledge of fractions and then began investigating fractions and added their research.
The very first week of term 3, SLA celebrated NAIDOC Week. During the celebrations students immersed themselves in the rich history of First Nations people, gaining valuable insights into the significance and origins of this important event. As part of the activities, the students learned about influential First Nations figures like, Aunty Oodgeroo Noonuccal, discovering her contributions to literature and activism. The students also took the opportunity to raise awareness about the environmental challenges faced for the Torres Strait Islands due to climate change.