Message from the Principal

Dear Parents and Guardians,
Yesterday our Preps celebrated their first 100 days at our school. I visited the Prep students in their classroom and the excitement was palpable. All the Prep students together with Terri and Krystal were looking fabulous and having a wonderful day. Special thanks to our parents for their great support of this important milestone.
It was great to welcome parents into classrooms again last week. We hope parents enjoyed seeing learning in action and working with their child/ren during these visits.
Teachers and students are also busy practicing their performance items in preparation for filming later this term.
Football and Netball Finals
Congratulations to our SLA students who recently competed in AFL and netball Division Finals. Whilst we didn’t win on the day, l was most impressed by the attitude of our students during all games last term and during the finals. Our students participated and gave their best at every game and were respectful of other teams, their level of skill and ability to play. Special thanks to Michael, Rosa and Rhoe for coaching during last term and at the finals.
School Absentee
Just a reminder that if your child is going to be absent from school, you must submit the Absentee eForm via Audiri. If your child is absent from school and you have not submitted an eForm, your child will be marked as unexplained, and you will receive an SMS notification about this.
We also ask that you avoid picking up your child early from school as this disrupts their learning. Early pickups should only be for an emergency or for an appointment that cannot be scheduled out of school hours. Thank you for your support in this matter.
2024 School Year
Planning is already underway for the 2024 school year. If your family is moving away from the area and your children will not be attending St Joseph the Worker next year, please send Anna an email as soon as possible and please let us know which school you are moving to, so we can arrange the required transfer documents. Anna can be contacted on
School Uniform
With the disruption of the past couple of years, a bit of inconsistency has begun to appear in the wearing of our school uniform. The prescribed school uniform is compulsory, and all students are required to always wear the appropriate school uniform. Only items purchased from the Academy Uniform Shop are to be worn. Variations to the uniform will not be accepted.
As per our uniform policy, the winter uniform for all students is the winter shirt with logo. The polo top cannot be worn with the Winter uniform. Students are expected to wear black leather shoes (Velcro, lace up or T-bar). Black runners or sneakers are not permitted to be worn with the summer or winter uniform.
Parents are required to provide their child/children with a school uniform that meets the school uniform requirements and if you are unable to do so, please contact me.
Looking forward
Please check the newsletter 2023 dates section to see what’s happening in coming weeks at St Joseph the Worker. Students are very busy practising their roles for our school performance and there are other events to look forward to including Father’s Day assembly, School Disco for our students, Pyjama and pizza day and celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation for our Year 6 students.
Parent Code of Conduct
At St Joseph the Worker, we want what you want - and that is the best for your child! Please trust us and know that we always follow up and respond to any incident and we will always do what is right for your child. When you enrolled your child at our school you accepted and agreed to respect and follow all school policies and procedures.
At St Joseph the Worker we believe that everyone:
- has the right to be safe.
- has the right to be treated with respect
- has the right to participate within a secure environment without interference, intimidation, harassment, bullying or discrimination.
- is encouraged to be respectful, polite, courteous and considerate of others.
- has the right to be supported and challenged as ongoing learners.
Please note that is it never acceptable for a parent to:
- approach a child that is not your own with a view to disciplining that child for their behaviour.
- approach other school parents to resolve issues arising between students at school (such matters should be referred to school staff).
I encourage you to read our Parent Code of Conduct on our website, which outlines the schools’ expectations.
eSafety – Tik Tok (Social Networking Site)
I am currently working with some families regarding issues related to the use of Tik Tok at home.
Tik Tok is a free social network app that lets you chat with friends, watch, create and share videos.
It is a timely reminder to everyone that TikTok requires that users be at least 13 years old. Anyone under the age of 18 must have approval of a parent/carer.
As with all social networking sites we encourage parents/carers to ensure they are monitoring their child’s use of social networking sites at all times and are aware of any legal or social impacts when it comes to its misuse.
If any social media posts contain inappropriate language or threats, please report this to the police immediately. For further information – visit the eSafety Commissioner’s Website that contains important information related to TikTok
Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend
We remember Saint Mary McKillop on her feast day next Tuesday, 8th August