Sustainability Corner


A huge congratulations to Class 12D (pictured below) who took out the inaugural Plastic Free July award presented by the Sustainability Student Leaders.  Class 12D had the highest number of plastic free (nude) lunches measured over the last week of July and were the excited recipients of their trophy at assembly! 


Well done and a big thanks to all the kids & parents that prepared nude lunches for the week.  Also a huge shout out to the Sustainability Student Leaders who came up with and coordinated the initiative.



For those interested these were some of the nude food top tips gathered through the month:

  • Investing in a lunchbox with compartments (like a bento box) which helps avoid need for wrapping and keeps foods nicely separated
  • Fill with cut up fruit or vegetables and add a dollop of dip for a tasty treat
  • Bake snacks (like muffins, slice or power balls) at home instead of buying treats wrapped in plastic.  Some can be frozen ready to go in the morning.
  • Buy larger bags of popcorn, biscuits etc and into reusable containers to reduce overall plastic 
  • Similarly, jars of pickles, olives or larger blocks of cheese can be portioned quickly into lunches