Principal Team Message

Edition no: 12, 2023


Congratulations to all Foundation students on reaching this significant milestone last week. The day started with a parade cheered on by their Year 5/6 buddies, teachers and families. The costume ideas encouraged creativity and imagination, inspiring our students and families to think outside the box and embrace their uniqueness. There were such wonderful representations of the number 100.


Stef and Mr Blake organised some literacy and numeracy tasks and parents were actively involved in the classrooms, further strengthening the bond between home and school. This day served as a fun and engaging way to reinforce learning while fostering a sense of community. 



The House Athletics Carnival was a tremendous success and a memorable day for everyone involved. It was wonderful to see the dedication and enthusiasm displayed by students as they participated in various track and field events. These events not only foster a healthy competitive spirit but also teach valuable lessons about teamwork and unity.


The positive and encouraging environment created by the students, cheering for their teammates and celebrating each other's achievements, speaks volumes about the strong house spirit and sense of community at our school. It's heartening to see students supporting and uplifting each other. In addition, the support from parent volunteers and spectators also played a crucial role in making the event a success. Having an engaged and encouraging audience can motivate young athletes to perform at their best, and it's heartwarming to see parents actively involved in school activities.


Thank you to Lee, Natalie and the team from TheirCare. The sausage sizzle provided a delightful break and much-needed sustenance for our students, staff, volunteers and spectators ensuring we were all energised and ready for the Year 3-6 track events whilst our Foundation to Year 2 students returned to school exhausted and ready to get out of the windy weather. 


It's important to acknowledge and appreciate the hard work and dedication of Susie Massey, our staff, and parent volunteers who contributed their time and effort to organise and facilitate our carnival. Without your support, such events would not be possible.


We are eagerly awaiting the outcome of the event for both the Balaclava District and the winning House. 



As a community, we believe in embracing diversity in all its forms. We cherish the fact that our lives are enriched by a wide range of relationships, and each one brings its unique love and support. Some of us have extraordinary grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, mentors, friends, or even neighbours who have stepped in as a guiding light and provided unwavering love and care.


The beauty of Special Person's Day is that it's not limited to any particular gender or title. We set aside this day to appreciate the contributions of all these incredible souls who have made a difference in our students' lives, irrespective of their roles or relationships.


Throughout the morning, we witnessed heartwarming scenes of our students spending quality time with their special visitors. Thank you to our classroom volunteers and Ripper Families for organising this special morning for all. 





We are thrilled to share with you an exciting and meaningful initiative that our dedicated House Captains have been diligently organising – a Dunk Tank event in support of raising awareness and funds for Motor Neuron Disease (MND) research.


This endeavour is a testament to the compassion and commitment that our student leaders consistently demonstrate. Their determination to make a positive impact on the lives of others is truly inspiring, and we wholeheartedly commend them for their efforts.


The Dunk Tank event, scheduled to take place on Friday 1st September at 2:00 pm on the basketball court promises to be a day filled with laughter and a whole lot of fun. 


It provides an excellent opportunity for our school community to come together and contribute towards a cause that holds significance on a global scale. Motor Neuron Disease affects individuals and families in profound ways, and by participating in this event, we can contribute to funding research, raising awareness, and providing support for those affected by this condition. 


Our collective efforts can make a tangible difference in the lives of many, and we encourage all students, parents, teachers, and staff to join us in making this event a resounding success. Tickets are on sale through QKR. 


Tomorrow marks a significant milestone in our school calendar as we gather to witness the culmination of weeks of dedication, hard work, and creative brilliance – the highly anticipated production that showcases the remarkable talent within our student community.


Break a leg, Rippers (figuratively, of course)! Tomorrow, as the curtains rise, let your passion and dedication illuminate the stage. Embrace this opportunity, believe in yourselves, and most importantly, enjoy every single moment.


With immense pride and anticipation, the entire Ripponlea School Community!



Until next fortnight .........


Natalie Rose             &                        Marta Campbell 

             Principal                                     Assistant Principal