Engagement & Wellbeing

Professional Learning on Friday

We’re really looking forward to the whole school curriculum day on Friday, which is focused on wellbeing. This will be a great opportunity for our teachers to deepen their understand of our School-Wide Positive Behaviour teaching practices to ensure we are promoting positive behaviours and social-emotional wellbeing. Teachers will also undergo professional development in the Open Parachute program, which will be integrated in our Respectful Relationships program to help give students skills to support their mental health. Another key component of Friday will be completing necessary first aide training, including Anaphylaxis.  


Bunjil Awards

Congratulations to the following students who received a Bunjil Award at last week’s 5/6 assembly.

Bunjil awards recognise student achievement and those who display our school values of being respectful, responsible and kind.


Well done! All of our weekly winners enjoy a hot chocolate with a principal.