Upcoming Events

31.07.23 - P&C Meeting at 6pm
31.07.23 to 3.08.23 - Year 5 Gold Coast Excursion
31.07.23 Naidoc Week
31.07.23 Book Week
1.08.23 Strength & Conditioning Program begins
2.08.23 PSSA Netball Knockout - Kempsey
3.08.23 PSSA AFL Knockout - Sawtell
3.08.23 100 Days Kindy Smartie Dress Up Day
4.08.23 Book Week Parade
7.08.23 Tennis begins K-2
8.08.23 Choir to Marian Grove
10.08.23 Kindy Orientation begins
10.08.23 Regional Spelling Bee
14.08.23 Choir to Sydney Opera House
19.10.23 to 20.10.23 Stage 2 Bonville Adventure Centre overnight excursion
30.10.23 to 3.11.23 - Year 6 Canberra Excursion
23.10.23 to 3.11.23 - Stage 1 Intensive Swim Lessons
Attached is Term 3 2023 calendar. Please keep in mind this is subject to change.