Principal's Report

Principal's Message
NAIDOC Week and Education Week
We have a very exciting and busy week ahead. After seeing off our Year 5 students at 7 am this morning we have been busy setting up for our NAIDOC Week celebrations.
The celebrations will run over a number of days, with Years K-2 kicking things off today. Students will participate in cultural art lessons, weaving, making Johnny cakes and traditional story telling.
Special thanks to all of our deliverers today, for helping us to learn about and celebrate Aboriginal culture.
We had a wonderful day at the district athletics carnival on Thursday last week. With excellent participation and lots of success for our students. A massive thank you to Mr Doyle who organised the carnival. Thank you also to the Toormina High School students who helped. We loved the way the THS students cheered home our athletes.
Letter Writing Buddies
Last week our wonderful kindergarten letter writing buddies wrote letters to our 2024 kindy students. Our new kindy students will receive these letters in the mail. This is one of the many aspects that make up our kindergarten transition program. With more than seven separate visits to Boambee Public School our kindergarten students always make a flying start to their first year at school.
Bunnings Fund Raising
Our Year 6 families spent Saturday at Bunnings selling cakes to raise money for the Year 6 camp. Sincere thanks to Mr Doyle and all of the families who baked and spent time with us on Saturday. Boambee Public School has wonderful community spirit!
Book Character Parade
Date: Friday 4th August
Time: 10 - 10.50 am in the hall
All families are Welcome!
Book Fair
The annual Scholastic Book Fair is coming to Boambee Public School Library! This is a fantastic fund raiser for our school and an opportunity for us to raise money to purchase new books for the library! Last year we were able to purchase over $2000 worth of free books!
So here are some things you need to know:
When is it happening? Week 3 (July 31 - August 4)
When can we buy books? The library will be open at lunch every day for students to purchase books. Students will also be able to purchase books during their Library lesson that week.
How do we pay?
There are two ways to pay:
1. You may send your child to school with some money to purchase items, change will be given.
2. Or, in week 3 your child will have the opportunity to view all the books during their Library lesson and fill in a wish list (see example below). You can scan a QR code, pay the amount owing and scholastic will give you a receipt number, fill it out on the form and send it to school with your child.
Strength and Conditioning
Our strength and conditioning program kicks off tomorrow morning. We look forward to sharing more about this fantastic opportunity in the coming weeks.
Principal Awards
Congratulations to the following students who received a Principal Award at Friday's assembly:
Hudson Ward - 3P
Applying an organised and determined approach to all areas of learning.
Lacey Sticker - 2B
Outstanding effort, determination and growth in number work.
Luca Casey - KH
Working hard to improve his number skills in Mathematics.
Darcie Wallace - KH
Darcie has worked extremely hard to improve her writing and she should be congratulated on her efforts.
Feder van Aggelen- 2/3RM
Continued commitment to Home Reading during term 2.
Alijah Brown - 5B
Enthusiasm towards reading.
Declaration for Child Related Work
It is a Child Protection requirement that the school gets all volunteers to complete the attached form. If you volunteer at the school, please either print the applicable form below or call into the office for a hard copy. Your assistance with this very important matter is greatly appreciated.