Admin Corner

By Helen Hassiotis

Dear Glen Waverley Primary School Community,


Welcome back to Term 3. As we gear up for an exciting second semester, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on our school communications in particular our school website. 


Our School Website: A Hub for Information and Engagement


The Glen Waverley Primary School website is designed with a user-friendly interface and aims to serve as a comprehensive hub for all things related to our school community. Whether you are a new or existing parent, student, or staff member, you will find our website to be an invaluable resource. I invite you to explore our website at Be sure to bookmark and check back regularly for the latest updates and news.


Key Features and Benefits


Easy Navigation: Finding the information you need is very easy. Our school website has been designed to ensure effortless navigation, enabling you to quickly access important resources, news, and updates.


Latest News available on the Home Page: Stay up to date with all the exciting happenings at our school throughout each term. Including special announcements and student achievements. 


Curriculum and Programs: Gain insight into our curriculum, Innovation and Intervention Programs, Specialist Programs, School Run Programs and Extra-Curricular activities. Our website provides detailed information about the programs we offer, allowing you to explore the diverse educational opportunities available to your child.


Resources and Support: Our website hosts a wealth of information to support students, parents, and staff. From educational information, term dates, guidance on student leadership, parent information booklet etc, our website serves as a one-stop destination for all your needs.


Your Feedback Matters:Improving School Communications


At Glen Waverley Primary School, we understand that effective communication is the foundation of a strong and vibrant school community. We value your feedback and I encourage you to share your thoughts and suggestions regarding our current school website. Your insights will play a vital role in shaping our online platform to better serve our school community.


Please feel free to reach out to myself on 9802 9938 to discuss or send me your feedback on what additional information you would like to see via email at


Stay Connected: Visit Our Website Today!


Kind regards,


Helen Hassiotis

Executive Assistant