At the end of Term Two and during the course of Week One, our teaching and learning teams have worked diligently to plan a rigorous teaching and learning program for Term Three. Teachers were allocated a day to effectively use student academic and voice data to plan learning that is targeted to individual students’ zones of proximal development. In addition, our Inquiry units of learning all have a dance/ drama focus with a thread of ‘Communication through the Arts’ across the school.
To enhance intercultural learning across the school, our staff have implemented strategies from their collaboration with Eeqbal Hassim, a principal fellow from the University of Melbourne who has supported the development of learning from Prep to Year Six in the transcultural zone of learning (refer to the image below). This ensures we are nurturing global citizenship, deeply, setting our students up for 21st Century knowledge, understanding and transfer.
What can you expect your children to learn this term?
Inquiry: Dance learning connecting to the question ‘How do we communicate?’
English: Narratives and Information Reports
Mathematics: Place Value, Addition, Positional Language, Three Dimensional Shapes and Money
Year One
Inquiry: Drama learning connected to the question ‘How do we express ourselves?’ English: letters, invitations, emails, and lists
Mathematics: Fractions, Time, Location and Transformation
Year Two
Inquiry: Dance learning connected to the question ‘How do cultures change a society?’
English: Poetry and Information reports
Maths: Multiplication, division, Location, Volume and Capacity
Year Three
Inquiry: Dance/Drama learning connected to the question ‘How might you communicate with others?’
English: Letters, emails and poetry
Mathematics: Shape, Mass, Volume, Capacity, Fractions, Decimals and Financial Mathematics
Year Four
Inquiry: Dance/Drama learning connected to the question ‘How do cultures communicate through the arts?’
English: Explanation texts and Biographies
Mathematics: Financial Mathematics, Percentages, Symmetry, Tessellations and Elapsed Time
Year Five
Inquiry: Dance/Drama learning connected to the question ‘How do cultural practices influence dance?’
English: Explanation texts and Poetry
Mathematics: Financial Mathematics, Shape, Measurement and Percentages
Year Six
Inquiry: Dance/Drama learning connected to the question ‘How are rites of passage celebrated?’
English: Narratives and Poetry
Mathematics: Shape, geometric properties, financial mathematics, budgeting and interest calculations
Our teams look forward to expanding on Term Two teaching and learning in level newsletters at the end of this week.