CEPS Kids are

Friendly Kids

Next week we are working on Co-operation.

and we are looking at:



It is important that we play by the rules inside and outside of the classroom. When we play by the rules we negotiate with a kind and understanding voice and we use positive body language. 


To function respectfully in our school community, we must have rules we all agree upon. These might look like your classroom rules and expectations, outside the classroom rules and different expectations and rules you have at home.  If you made a list of the rules you follow each day, you’d quickly realise how many of them exist to keep you safe and make your life more enjoyable. 













The above students were rewarded with a CEPS award last week for

'I can share and include others'



The above students were rewarded as our Value Ambassadors for last week.  The students worked very hard during the week representing all of our school values - COURTESY RESPECT CO-OPERATION and RESPONSIBILITY.