Principal News
2023 NAPLAN achievement data is now available and individual student reports will be sent home with our Year 3 and 5 students next Monday.
There has been a significant change in NAPLAN reporting this year. Reporting has moved away from using 'achievement bands' to now using newly developed 'proficiency standards'. A FAQ document will be sent home with student reports next week which unpacks the new reporting system for parents/caregivers. I've also included a copy below for your reference. Access to this document in different languages can be found here(scroll to the bottom). You can also access a short video below which explains the new reporting system.
As a school, we value NAPLAN data to celebrate areas of success and identify areas where further improvements can be made. Our School Improvement and School Leadership Teams will be unpacking and interrogating the data in the coming weeks to continue supporting the tracking of whole school academic performance and individual student growth. Though we understand the value of NAPLAN data in this space, we also recognise it as a 'snapshot' of student achievement and one of several data sets that we use to best inform our teaching and learning.
Kind Regards,