Religious Education

Religious Education Planning

St Joseph's teaching staff have been working with staff from MACS (Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools) to deeply plan the instruction of R.E.

This term we have a major focus on story as we prepare for our school production of Shrek.  In R.E. we also have a story and that is being explored by the students, learning more about scripture and the way the story of God and his people is told.

Godly Play

The F/1/2's had a visit for a past teacher of our school, Mrs. Prue Van Stan.  She modelled for us teachers a Godly Play session and involved all the students in the story of "The Good Shepherd."

She was also very pleased to see Monty, Taylor, Ivy, Liam and Archer, whose siblings she taught, who were all babies or toddlers last time she saw them.  How time flies!