Library News 

Scholastic Book Club Issue #5


Remember the Issue 5 Book Club orders need to be returned by Friday 28th July.  Any online orders need to be completed by the end of this weekend, as the order will be placed first thing on Monday morning.  The books will be sent to our school and given out to students approximately 2 weeks after this.  

Here is a link to the online catalogue:


Thank you for any orders.


Children's Book Council of Australia (CBCA) Book Week is this term - how exciting!

Book Week is coming up this term and this year the theme is "Read, Grow, Inspire".

There will be some fun activities during the week of 19th to 25th August, including our famous book-themed dress-up parade, so think about your current favourite book and start planning your outfit!  It can be simple and hand-made or something you already have at home, in fact, we encourage this, so please don't go to any expense.


We have copies of all of the short-listed books that were nominated for awards in our library available to borrow.   I will introduce one or two of them to you in each of our newsletters leading up to Book Week.


The first of the books I would like to introduce you to is a picture book called "Dirt by Sea" by Michael Wagner.  A great story for all ages.

This book is about Daisy who lives in inland Australia and has never seen the ocean.  Her Dad decides to take her on a trip along the coast to show her the sea.  Readers will delight in her adventures spotting places they've visited in Australia and learning more about others. It is in graphic novel format, which allows a sense of journey across time and place, with hand-drawn maps showing how learning extends beyond the classroom and into our experiences of the world.  There is a beautiful sense of looking back to move forwards, as both characters grow (physically, emotionally, and intelligently) through their trip together.


The next, a chapter book, "Xavier In the Meantime" by Kate Gordon, is aimed at readers 10 years and older.

Sometimes Xavier wakes up feeling hopeless.  Can Xavier learn to cherish the moments in between the struggles - the moments in the meantime?

The CBCA judges say: " This book enables readers to delve into the impact of mental health issues in an authentic and age-appropriate way without being too explicit and confrontational. The characters are realistic in their struggles and the thought patterns are immersive and relatable.  It also shows the importance of a supportive community and how it may work. Despite the heaviness that permeates the text, the plot leaves the reader with a sense of conclusion and hope for the characters."

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