Wellbeing and Engagement

Emotional Intelligence

In recent years there has been widespread research and focus on students' emotional intelligence and the impact emotions have on their academic learning and achievement. You may ask what is Emotional intelligence and why is it so important. In its simplest explanation, emotional intelligence is “the ability to manoeuvre and interact with your own emotions as well as those of other people”.


The fundamental concepts of Emotional Intelligence align closely with our school values of……

  • CURIOSITY:- thinking and reasoning using emotions
  • ACCEPTANCE:- understanding emotions and how they change for yourself and others
  • RESPECT:- your ability to relate to someone else’s emotions or step into their shoes
  • INTEGRITY:- intrinsic motivation (your drive to achieve your goals – even when nobody else is pushing you).
  • RESILIENCE: - your ability to honestly recognise and use emotional vocab to build your skills

What are we doing at Lysterfield?

As part of the whole school Well-being approach, we are using a number of different approaches to assist in building students' Emotional Intelligence, such as …

  1. Peaceful Kids - Small group Sessions focusing on friendships, emotions, and strategies
  2. Calm Kids - Small group sessions focusing on preparing for camp
  3. Friendology and Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships Programs
  4. Zones of Regulation - a positive and proactive approach using colors to assist students to notice their body signals, and triggers and consider their behavioral response.
  5. Co-regulating through teacher modeling
  6. Structured time with Kim our school counselor








At Home:

If your child(ren) is beginning to come home talking about their emotions and others, that is a natural response, as they are building their emotional intelligence. To assist them, continue to model how you may be experiencing different emotions, and the strategies you both might use when moving through different emotional states. When situations are talked about at home, keep calm yourself and model calmness through discussions and responses. The common message we are delivering is all emotions are natural and we are learning different ways to respond.  


Emotions can influence students' engagement, which in turn impacts their academic learning and achievement. So students with good emotional intelligence awareness experience success in learning and socialising.




Staff Learining About Zones of Regulation
Staff Learining About Zones of Regulation



Additional Services/Support 

Connecting Kids

• Intellectual Assessments • Educational Assessments • ADHD Assessments • ASD Assessments 

For all appointments or enquiries Please phone : 0427 804 649 or Email: administration@connectingkids.com.au


Knox Mindfulness

At Knox Mindfulness, we're delighted to inform you that we currently have openings for child and adolescent counseling services with Meghan. We are also an NDIS registered provider for any students with funding.


Kristy-Lee Powell - Knox Mindfulness - KLW Health and Wellness Pty Ltd


Ph: 03 9000 4171

24/573 Burwood Highway, Knoxfield 3180

Correspondence: PO Box 2608, Rowville 3178