
A message from Early Stage 1

Welcome to Term 3. We hope everyone had a relaxing and enjoyable break. 


Friday 28 July will see us celebrating 100 Days of Kindergarten. The students are certainly getting very excited! Parents are invited to join us in our classrooms at 12:15 for students to showcase their learning. 


***We would LOVE any empty and clean plastic sauce squeezy bottles to use as paint containers.***


We are learning to:

  • hear and say the sounds /j/,  /w/ and /k/
  • write the letters ‘j’,  ‘w’  and ‘ck’ using the correct formation 
  • identify that two letters making one sound is called a digraph, for example, ‘ck’ makes the sound /k/
  • read tricky words: them, there, have, here, of, with
  • identify proper nouns in a range of contexts 


We are learning to:

  • identify when we use addition and subtraction in our everyday lives
  • combine two or more groups of objects to show addition
  • identify that length is the measure from end to end, from one point to another
  • identify half of a length

Integrated learning

We are learning to:

  • understand the concept that places are spaces that we use
  • recognise that there are many different types of spaces which are used for different reasons 

Personal Development and Health (PDH)

We are learning to:

  •  recognise that being respectful to others can support safety and wellbeing
  • identify and describe different families
  • share ideas about people who care for us, for example parents/carers

Visual Arts

We are learning to:

  • identify and describe subject matter and ideas in artworks
  • explore and use materials such as water soluble pastels and chalk pastels


  • home readers are returned every Friday and new ones are given to students the following Monday
  • home reading is an important part of your child’s learning. Please allow 10 minutes to listen to or read to your child each day. This time could also be used practising their ‘tricky words"


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