Deputy Principal's Message

Welcome back to Term 3! I hope all students and families were able to stay warm and healthy over the winter break. We are looking forward to what is historically a productive and very busy term, with many school camps and various sporting and creative arts events. 

Attendance matters

This term, some of our Stage 3 students will be working with our Attendance Support Officers to support children to have the best possible opportunity to engage with their learning. Students will participate in collaborative discussions and have input into possible strategies they can implement to help improve their attendance.


Regular attendance at school is essential for students to achieve quality life outcomes. When your child attends school every day, learning becomes easier and they are more easily able to build and maintain friendships with other children. For more information regarding compulsory school attendance, see the compulsory school attendance brochure for parents.

Notification of student absence

We greatly appreciate parents and carers notifying the school of upcoming or unplanned absences. If emailing to notify of a student absence, please address the email to the school office ( in addition to, or instead of, your child's class teacher. This will ensure your message is actioned in a timely manner, as teachers rarely have the opportunity to view emails through the day.

Reminder of procedures for the administration of medication at school - including asthma puffers

When any form of medication is to be administered by school staff, parents/carers are required to;

  • notify the school,
  • provide up to date information as required, 
  • supply the medication and any 'consumables' necessary for its administration in a timely way.

Parents/carers of children who require prescribed medication to be administered at school must complete a written request form (see below). Parents/carers who wish their child to self-administer medication must also complete a written request. 

Schools follow the same procedures for non-prescribed or 'over the counter' medications as for prescribed medications. As a result, students who require Ventolin, Panadol, antibiotics or any other non-prescribed medications to be administered or self-administered at school must also complete a written request form before bringing the medication to school. 


Once we have received the written request form, a letter will be provided to parents/carers from the Principal confirming arrangements for the administration of the student’s medication at school. Students must not carry medications unless there is a written agreement between the school and the student's parents/carers. The school/student is unable to administer medication until the confirmation letter has been provided. 


Lana Howlett

Deputy Principal