Students will be working with their class teachers

Term 3

In Term 3, our focus is on identities and belonging and contributing to our communities.

Civics and Citizenship

Belonging and contributing to the local community

Learning intentions:

We are learning about our identity.

We are learning about belonging to communities.


In this unit, students identify structures and decisions that support their local community and recognise the importance of laws in society. They describe factors that shape a person’s identity and sense of belonging.






Students develop questions about the society in which they live. They locate and collect information from different sources to answer these questions. They examine information to distinguish between facts and opinions, identify points of view and to draw conclusions. They share their points of view, respecting the views of others, and identify the groups to which they belong. Students present ideas and conclusions using discipline-specific terms in a range of communication form.

Term 4

In Term 4, our focus is on significant events in Australian History.


Australia's History 

1400 to mid 1800

Learning intentions:

We are learning about Australian History.

We are learning about significant events.


In this unit, students develop their knowledge and understanding of the historical concepts of sources, significance, perspective, cause and effect, empathy and continuity and change. 


They deepen their understanding of the importance of Country/Place and explore the diversity and longevity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Students explore the effects of interactions and contact between Aboriginal peoples and the Macassans and Europeans. Students develop skills of inquiry through investigating the journeys of explorers from the 1400s to the early 1800s and how these resulted in colonisation around the globe, including Australia's colonisation by the British through the arrival of the First Fleet.