Students will be working with their class teachers.
Students will be working with their class teachers.
Learning Intentions:
We are learning about spelling long vowel sounds.
We are learning different spelling rules and conventions.
We are learning to use possessive apostrophes correctly.
In this unit, students develop an understanding of the four step strategy and use this to identify possessive apostrophes. Students use rules for correct spelling and punctuation for long vowel sounds and proofread their writing using different strategies.
In Term 3, our focus will be exploring quest novels and learning about language features of narratives.
Learning Intentions:
We are learning about literal and inferred understanding.
We are learning about language features.
We are learning about the text structure of a narrative.
We are learning to retell.
In this unit, students will explore the text structure and language features used to meet the purpose and audience of a quest novel. Students will reflect on each chapter as they build their literal and inferred understanding of how the author develops the main character and builds plot tension as the quest progresses. Through oral discussions and contributing to a class discussion board, students will share and respond to viewpoints about how the author has used language features to develop characters, settings, and events. At the end of each teaching and learning sequence, students write reflective comments in a reading journal or other scaffold to show their building understanding of the strategies used by the author.
In Term 4, we will be exploring poetry and will focus on responding to and creating poems.
Learning Intentions:
We are learning about poetry.
We are learning to respond to poems.
We are learning to create poems.
We are learning about the structures of poems.
In this unit, students will explore and respond to a range of poems by Australian authors. Students will develop an understanding of the structural features and poetic devices used in poems to create different effects, including providing a sense of place. They will experiment with techniques explored and apply them to creating and presenting their own poem. In the second part of the unit, students will learn about the life of an Australian poet through exploring a biography. Students will bring together their learning from across the unit to create an autobiographical text. Students read and listen to a range of poems including nonsense, rhymes, chants and limericks by a range of authors and explore the characteristic structures and features. Students identify structural features and poetic devices used to create humour and then experiment with word play to innovate on the poems explored. Students will evaluate poems through expressing personal viewpoints using evidence from the poem.