
Infants Class Awards

Congratulations to the following students who received a class award at Friday's assembly:


KH - Harper Long, Liliana Arnott and Kiandra Archibald

KT - Lachlan Sharpe and Fox Hornby

1L - Ella Jeffrey and James Lansley

1D - Nixon Beardsley and Ned O’Sullivan

2H - Harry Benfield and Ruby Jones

2B - Lucy Spencer and Izzy Strevens


Primary Class Awards

Congratulations to the following students who received a class award at Friday's assembly:


2/3RM - Chase Hillier and Jedikiah Abercrombie

3P - Ariella Jedyn and Benjamin Edmonds

3N - Cohen Sciortino and Chase Andronicus

4S - Leighton Bunn and Lilah Green

4G - Connor Kafer and Sophia Foster

5M - Jordan Foster and Alan Herden

5B - Elizabeth Wood and Braxton Gregory

6G - Laura Howe and Will Bowen

6D - Chloe Williamson and Ava Burnett