P&C News

P&C President's Report
Dear Boambee Community,
We have some exciting events coming up soon. The P&C are proud to host the Father's Day Stall. There will be a flyer coming out very soon giving you all the details. Please note there will be mostly Father's Day items, but also Mother's Day gifts available as well. There will also be neutral gifts that can be bought to give to carers or a special loved one.
We have made it very affordable this year where gifts range from $5 to $7 and multiple gifts can be bought for $10. This year 4S will be taking this fundraiser on. Any parents of students in 4S who are able to help out on the day, please let Chris Shipman know via Seesaw as your children will be fundraising for their class.
This term there will also be a DISCO in Week 8 being run by the P&C. This is always a hit with our students, more details to come out soon.
We hope everyone is having a great start to Term 3 and is enjoying this beautiful weather.
Tasanee Alam
P&C President