Principal's Report

Principal's Message
Boambee School Choir
Wishing our Boambee Choir all the best as they perform tonight at the Festival of Choral Music at the Sydney Opera House. We are so proud of you! Congratulations to Mel Sciortino, and sincere thanks for your outstanding leadership and education of this group.
Go Matildas!
I Hope you all tuned in on Saturday afternoon to watch the Matildas - what a game! We are now scheduled to play England in the Semi Final on Wednesday 16th August.
Boambee Girls Soccer
During this week we also have Mia Ryan and Summer Barden playing at the NSW State Soccer Championships. Congratulations to Summer who has been named captain of this team, a very impressive effort with Summer being still in Year 5 and having another year yet to play at this level.
Bad luck to our girls soccer team who were knocked out of the PSSA competition this week, with a nil all scoreline the game then went into extra time and remained at nil all. The game was then decided on corners, not a great way to lose a knockout game but our girls were excellent in their effort and sportsmanship.
Kindy Transitions
Last week, and each week for the next 4 months, we will host small groups of our 2024 Kindy cohort. Our letter writing buddies meet our new students at the gate and then take them to class for an hour. The familiar face helps our new students to feel even more comfortable in the new environment. The session went very successfully, and we look forward to our next group this Thursday.
If your child is in Year 3 or 5, please make sure you check your bag for their results which were sent home on Friday. Once again, our students have done exceptionally well, with average scores higher than statistically similar schools.
If you haven't booked your interviews with your teachers yet please check your children's bags and Seesaw for your booking link. The interviews are a crucial part of the teaching and reporting cycle, with crucial information being shared about your children's progress and their next learning goals.
Principal Awards
Congratulations to the following students who received a Principal Award at Friday's assembly:
Hugo Wyndham - 3P
Success in the Regional Spelling Bee.
Jude Maunder - 6D
Success in the Regional Spelling Bee.
Sophie Jones - 6D
Great sportsmanship as a member of the school netball team.
Josephine Zariquiey - 5M
Pushing herself outside of her comfort zone whilst on camp and being an outstanding school citizen.
Mia Ryan - 6D
Being an outstanding school citizen.
Shelley Richards - 6D
Being an outstanding school citizen.
Summer Barden - 5M
Being an outstanding school citizen.
Jordie Baldwin - 5M
Being an outstanding school citizen.
Mahli Plummer - 5M
Being an outstanding school citizen.
Taliyah Sealy - 6D
Demonstrating active learning- being prepared to help others learn.
Jacob Kelly - KH
Working hard this year to improve his reading and writing skills.
Blayze Lynwood - KH
Working hard to improve his writing.
Willow Johnson - Moore - 3N
Outstanding commitment in all key learning areas of the school.
Lily Clayton - 3N
Being an outstanding role model for her peers across all key learning areas.
Livvi Lawrence - 3N
Being a positive role model in all areas of learning.
Tallan Ward - 3N
Being a positive role model by always using his manners and being respectful.
Christa Devine - 3P
Achieving learning goals by completing numeracy tasks at home.
River Harriman - 3P
Applying a determined and persistent attitude towards Numeracy Ninjas.
Ethan Saunders - 3N
Outstanding commitment to improve his reading at home and school.
Declaration for Child Related Work
It is a Child Protection requirement that the school gets all volunteers to complete the attached form. If you volunteer at the school, please either print the applicable form below or call into the office for a hard copy. Your assistance with this very important matter is greatly appreciated.