College News 

Message from the College Principal


Hi everyone,


Each year at all campuses of Kurnai College we hold a BBQ for students and staff acknowledging and celebrating NAIDOC week. We also hold a major event which is rotated annually between each campus and last Thursday this was held at Churchill Campus with a large crowd of visitors including invited dignitaries, guest speakers, other school groups, and families of our Indigenous students celebrating “For our Elders”.

The event commenced with a traditional smoking ceremony led by Tre Moffatt, Hollie Johnson did the Welcome to Country in indigenous language & English followed by students doing an Acknowledgement to Country in English and also Auslan which was an impressive addition to our normal practice. 

Our Dedlee Kultya dancers impressed with their presentation of several cultural dances sharing stories and wisdom to help and educate young people. 

Highlights of the presentation included past students Crystal Bertoli and Anna Solomon sharing their experience of Kurnai and how it prepared them for opportunities after completing Year 12 and also how influential their elders have been and continue to be in their lives. Aboriginal Community Liaison Officer with Victoria Police, Laurie Marks spoke about the importance of supporting each other and the value of elders in guiding young people as they grow. Local elder and artist, Helen Treadgold unveiled an impressive artwork that will be proudly displayed by the College. 


The audience were invited to visit the new indigenous garden before joining again in the language centre for lunch together. The garden contains indigenous plants that are traditionally used for food and medicinal purposes. Features of the garden included a campfire pit surrounded with seating, totem poles, a wall mural depicting the characters of the Dreamtime story of Tidilick (The Frog), a metal sculpture of Tidilick, and seating painted in the colours of the Aboriginal, and Torres Strait Islander flags. The sun was shining and the whole garden looked fantastic and is a credit to all the many staff and students who have put hours and hours into the redevelopment that can now be enjoyed by others for years to come. 


Matt Jobling

Acting College Principal 



Music News

Mr Chris Gretton
Mr Chris Gretton

What to Learn a musical instrument?

For students wanting to learn a musical instrument, we have limited spaces available for brass & woodwind instruments. Please collect an expression of interest form from the general office, or speak to the College Music Coordinator, Mr Chris Gretton to find out more information.


V.C.E holiday workshop:

During the term 2 holidays, we welcomed V.C.E music students from Traralgon College for a combined V.C.E music workshop. The workshop was aimed at refining the students’ practical, aural analysis & comprehension skills in preparation for the end of year V.C.E examinations.


Kurnai’s Got Talent

Kurnai’s Got Talent is a highlight on the calendar and something our staff and students are very excited about. Students wanting to participate in the competition are encouraged to sign-up!  Auditions will take place at each campus during lunchtime in weeks 4, 5, and 6 of this term.

  • Wednesday 2nd, 9th & 16th August Morwell Campus (music room)
  • Thursday 3rd, 10th & 18th August University Campus (hexagon) 
  • Friday 4th, 11th & 18th August Churchill Campus (music room)


The Kurnai’s Got Talent Grand final will be on Tuesday 15th September from 6-8PM at the Kurnai Morwell Campus Performing Arts Centre. All are very welcome to come along and support our contestants as they battle it out for the grand final trophy! 


Primary Schools Tour

During weeks 6 and 7 of this term our music students from year levels 7-12 will be visiting Churchill, Churchill North, Boolarra, Yinnar, Morwell Park and Morwell Central primary schools. These workshops are fun, informative, and interactive and a great way to develop relationships with our local primary schools. This year our students have been working hard to refine musical repertoire specially targeted at our primary school audiences.


Latrobe Valley Eisteddfod

Students from across the College will be involved in the Latrobe Valley Eisteddfod. Students will be competing in a variety of sections from V.C.E solo performance, solo piano, concert band and instrumental ensembles. We wish all our students the very best of luck!


Valley Eisteddfod Thursday 10th August

Gippsland Performing Arts Centre Traralgon 

  • Section 539 (Concert Band) 10AM  
  • Section 545 (Instrumental ensemble) 12:30PM


Latrobe Valley Eisteddfod Saturday 12th August

  • Section 546 (Solo) Chase Edwards 9AM
  • Section 540 (Instrumental ensemble) 7PM


Latrobe Valley Eisteddfod Sunday 20th August

  • Section 421 (Solo) Hayden Semmler 6PM


The Kurnai Choir

This year we are very excited to offer all the students from all campuses the opportunity to participate in the Kurnai Choir. Choir rehearsals are held weekly during lunchtimes at each campus, Rehearsals have been well attended and a great opportunity for students to learn to sing with friends in a fun and inclusive environment. All students are welcome to join - for more information contact Mrs Sims. 


Monash Medical Orchestra

This year for the first time we are very excited to be collaborating with the Monash Medical Orchestra. Kurnai Alumni and current staff and students will join forces with the orchestra as a part of their ‘Music for the Valley’ musical performance on Saturday 16th of September. This is a fantastic opportunity for our staff and students to be involved in and we are very much looking forward to performing!


Sports News

Regional Athletics

On Friday 28th, our students who placed first in their athletics events traveled to the Joe Carmody Athletics Track in Newborough to compete against other schools in the Wellington Region Athletics Competition. It was a great day out in the sunshine. Congratulations to our athletes who represented the college and good luck to the students who have progressed to the next round.



School Values

Kurnai College’s four pillars underpin all aspects of our work.