Another successful NPS Working Bee

While the weather conditions weren't perfect, we were still able to get a number of  tasks crossed off our to do list! Many thanks to our parents who volunteered part of their weekend to support us.

Working Bee #1 2023 – Saturday 17th June 2023 What was a possibly one of the windiest days in a while and having provided less than ideal notice to prospective volunteers, it must be said our working bee group of Saturday 17th June did a tremendous job and it was thoroughly rewarding.  Well done and thank you to everyone who came along and supported!!  You were all fantastic!  Check out the pictures of their achievements below. We managed to source a huge 8 cubic metres of fresh Redgum mulch (free!) which was tirelessly shovelled into wheelbarrows for the whole 3 hours and distributed and raked around all the school.  Naming just some of what was achieved was that the lawns were cut, the garden beds were weeded, new plants were planted, trees were pruned, the school roof and storm drains was cleared, the play areas were raked flat, large areas were pressure washed, a veggie garden bed was created, and additional bike racks were put on the block, and even the sandpit was sieved!! It was the first of 3 planned working bees this year and we hope that the ones that follow gain even more traction, involve consuming more sausages around the BBQ (prepared by our head chef Shaun!) and promote the wonderful community feeling we all pride our school on! The next one is Saturday 26th August 12-3pm and you will be pleased to know we have booked more sunshine and less wind for that one!  We hope to see you there.

Here are some pictures of some of the great work that took place........

Shelter shed was given a 'good wash'!
Shelter shed was given a 'good wash'!