School Council

From the School Council….


We are pleased to inform our parents that starting this month we will be reinstating a communication page in the newsletter from our school council. Our intention is to keep you informed and updated on what we are involved in at the school and the projects we are currently working on.  It will also give us an opportunity to reach out to the wider school community to ask for help and expertise to help us complete these tasks when needed or if parents have the desire to contribute to projects we are working on.


Firstly, I would like to introduce myself.  I am Jo Pitt, the newly appointed school President to replace my predecessor Steven Horvat who has unfortunately had to step down from school council due to other commitments.  The school council would like to take this opportunity to thank him for his time and hard work and we look forward to when he has time to join us in future school events!


I am new to NPS this year with my daughter, Chloe, starting prep in January with Isabelle and now in the capable hands of Olivia as of this term.  Chloe is thoroughly enjoying her time here at NPS and it has been an inspiration for me to offer my time and support in joining the school council, where I can help facilitate that for all……next minute I’m in the staff room taking on the Presidents role!  Wish me luck!

Each newsletter we will introduce a new council member to the school who will provide an update of the last council meeting and allow you all to get to know a bit more about us and in turn, who to approach if you want to volunteer your time or bring something to our attention.  We are currently looking for more parent members to join us, so if you are interested and want to know more, please reach out to me-


School Council meeting summary (21.6.23)….

  • Election of a new President and Vice President - Jo Pitt and Lucy Sinclair respectively.
  • School review update-The review is now complete, and we are in the process of finalising the goals and targets.  In approximately three weeks’ time our school reviewer, Martin Winfield, will provide a report and it will be published on the new school website. 
  • VSBA landscaping proposal update- we now have been allocated a VSBA case manager who has organised for 3 x Department of Education vetted landscape architects who Shaun and Bale met with in the school holidays for a site walk.  These architects will provide initial fee proposals and concept designs to take us to the next stage.  Our goal is to push this project to completion in the shortest time viable, to get a positive outcome for as many of our current students to enjoy as possible.  We will keep you updated on what this timeline might look like as the project progresses.  So stay tuned.
  • Confirmation that recent fundraising events (Pasta drive and Battle of the bands) is committed to contributing to the costs of Anita’s proposal for the new music program.
  • Finance Sub-committee summary- it was reported that Parent Payment Arrangements have only been received from approximately 50% of families so far this year, balance sheets for April and May 2023 reviewed.
  • Environments Sub-committee summary- Working bee #1 details finalised and the dates of #2 and #3 confirmed, landscaping work discussions, initial discussions for the bike shed upgrade, new avenues explored to secure a regular and ongoing garden maintenance person (still required).
  • Community Sub-committee summary- 2023 Movie night planning and proposal discussions.
  • Education Sub-committee summary- review and update of listed policies; Complaints, Volunteers, Visitors, Student Wellbeing and engagement, Bullying Prevention, Digital Learning, Aboriginal Learning, wellbeing and safety action plan, Administration of Medication, First Aid and Anaphylaxis.


Upcoming social events….

Movie Night

In case you hadn’t heard, the community subcommittee is organising a Parent Movie night. Come and see the new ‘Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning’ movie. Meet some new parents and mingle with friendly faces. 6pm arrival for a 6.30pm start @ Westgarth Cinema. Tickets $30 - includes popcorn and soft drink. Book by Wed 26 July via canteen in Compass.Proceeds raised will go towards costumes for the Whole School Production on Thursday 14 September.

Trivia Night

Unfortunately, this was meant to be a save the date for the NPS Trivia Night @ Welcome to Thornbury, but very recent communications from the venue mean that the secured date in no longer secure!!  And so, while the community subcommittee flex their agility and ability to react, we hope to have details coming soon!  This is one event we want to keep in our calendar 😊

Join the community subcommittee

Would you like to be a part of the school’s social and fundraising events? Why not join the community subcommittee. It’s fun and a great way to meet and connect with other parents and the school community. Contact Lucy for more information.


Reminders and requests from the Council….

2023 Parent payment Arrangement Curriculum Contributions.

Parent / guardian payments are critical for ensuring Northcote Primary school has the right technology, classroom supplies and programs to run a fantastic and high-quality education program.  The payment of $250 is voluntary, but the School Council would like to encourage all parents / guardians to make this payment to support the school and your children’s education where they can.  Payments can still be made for 2023 and we would like to remind families that the school can provide confidential support options for families facing financial difficulties.  Please reach out to Shaun or Caterina for the assistance that is available to you.

The payment is made via Compass in the ‘Payments Centre’ under Contributions.  Here you can make the payment or review under the Payments tab if your made payment for this year has been paid already.