Principal's Address

Mobile phone and electronic device procedure

The NSW Government announced restrictions on the use of mobile phones in NSW high schools beginning in Term 4, 2023. In line with this announcement, I have been writing a draft of the Boorowa Central School mobile phone and electronic device procedures - ‘phones off and away from gate to gate’. These procedures promote the learning, safety and wellbeing of students and the management of any risk of harm and distraction from the use of digital technology accessed via a mobile phone. I have discussed the restriction of mobile phones in schools on 2 occasions with the P&C and they are very supportive of the ‘phones off and away from gate to gate’ approach as it is building on our existing ‘off and away’ during class procedures and it is cost effective for the school.

I tabled the school’s ‘mobile phone and electronic device’ draft procedures at the School Leadership Team meeting earlier this week, seeking input from our school leaders. I then plan to present these draft procedures to the secondary students in Week 6 in an extraordinary assembly after the 2024 secondary captain speeches and elections. I hope to gain further feedback from the students to ensure all students understand the procedures and have a say about aspects within it.

I then plan to present the final version of these procedures to all staff and students in Week 9.

To support the transition to a mobile free school, students were surveyed last term regarding activities they would like to engage in and space they would like to use. In response to the results from the survey, this term the Library was opened during the recess break, allowing for greater access to board games, computers and a passive area to sit and chat. To further support the transition, I spoke to the students about having ‘Phone Free Friday’s’ in Term 3. The first of these Friday’s will be next week. The existing ‘off and away’ policy will continue to exist in class and students will be strongly encouraged to leave their phones off and away during break times.

I will send reminders of this through compass so that all students, staff and parents are on the same page.

If you have any questions regarding the Term 4 mobile phone ban, please contact me at the school on ph: 6385 3009.


The Education Week extravaganza

Last week public schools all across NSW celebrated Education Week. At Boorowa Central School, we celebrated with a variety of activities, competitions and events. The vibe around the school was one of excitement and fun as students participated in a writing competition, spelling bee, numeracy challenge, academic amazing race, Grandparents day, book character parade, Boor Fair and the Education Week assembly.

It was fantastic to see the overwhelming numbers of parents, grandparents and special friends visit our school throughout the week. It brought big smiles to many faces, including my own.

I would like to acknowledge and congratulate our young public speakers and school leaders who spoke so well in our assembly and all the students who entered each competition. I would also like to thank all of the staff at Boorowa Central School who planned, prepared and contributed to each activity and event. Without their dedication, weeks such as this would not be possible.

I have included a copy of my speech that I delivered at the Education Week Assembly. Also included are the photos I displayed on the big screens when speaking about the history of Boorowa Central School. I hope you enjoy learning more about our school, and about schooling in the 1800 and 1900’s from my speech. I thoroughly enjoyed researching and writing it. Both the speech and photos can be viewed on the Education Week 2023 page of this newsletter.


Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD)

The Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD) takes place every year. The NCCD is a collection that counts: 

• the number of school students receiving an adjustment or ‘help’ due to disability 

• the level of adjustment they are receiving to access education on the same basis as other students. 

Students are counted in the NCCD if they receive ongoing adjustments at school due to disability. This ‘help’ allows them to access education on the same basis as a child without disability. The NCCD uses the definition of disability in the Disability Discrimination Act 1992.

Further information about NCCD can be found here:

On an annual basis, Boorowa Central School collects the NCCD. The 2023 process is now being finalised and the 2024 process will begin shortly. Please contact the school if you do not wish to have your child included in the data.


PBL focus – Caring for our environment

The Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) committee met on Wednesday afternoon and after analysis of our behavioural data, they made the decision to promote a focus on ‘caring for our environment’. It is becoming apparent that our students are, for reasons known only to them, choosing to leave their rubbish and food scraps on the ground rather than placing them in the many bins provided. This not only makes the school look untidy, but it also attracts vermin and can have a negative impact on the environment within our school and its surrounds.

Throughout the next fortnight, specific songs will be played on our speaker system that reminds and encourages our students to put their rubbish in the bin before leaving the playground. Staff will also be directing students to pick up rubbish in their areas and encouraging them to care for their school environment. 

Please reinforce this message with your children at home and support the school in teaching the students the valuable message of caring for our environment – because it’s the only one we have.


Canteen volunteers desperately needed

Calling all parents, grandparents and friends of Boorowa Central School - we need your help!

The P&C run canteen operates five days a week at both recess and lunch. Snack Central's menu is healthy, freshly made each day and affordable for all students. To continue to provide this service to the students we need more volunteers to assist in food preparation and service during breaks.

If you can spare half a day a term, please contact the school to speak to Di and book your time.

The school community would be grateful for your assistance


Mr Graham Jones - Principal