Student Wellbeing

Student Agency

Student agency refers to the level of autonomy and power that a student experiences in the learning environment. At Greenhills we see this through students having opportunities to direct their learning, reflecting on their progress, and identifying the next steps in their learning.

Student Agency is seen through our teachers working closely with students to make decisions about their learning. At Greenhills we have a dedicated Student Agency 15 minutes to finish each school day. Agency time varies from students reflecting on their learning for the day, looking at things that helped them learn, identifying the next steps in their learning, and discussing how they can promote learning as a class member. This opportunity to pause and reflect helps to build our students into self-motivated learners.

We asked a group of Year 4 students what Student Agency means to them;

*It is important for us to reflect on our learning and share our feelings about learning.

*We like to have choice and control in our learning

*We can tell you how we think we are going

* We can reflect on how we have improved on our goals

This year, we have also added a dedicated 50-minute Student Agency session in each classroom. This time is dedicated to students working on their individual learning goals. In these sessions, students direct their learning and use scaffolds in the classroom to support them. These sessions have allowed students to identify their own areas for improvement, identify strategies they are going to use to achieve their goals and we have had many great achievements across the school.

How can you help at home?

The home school connection is crucial in building our students towards becoming lifelong learners. The following are some strategies you can use to support your child in developing their Student Agency;

  • Talk to your child about what their learning goal is.
  • Ask them what they are currently doing in the classroom to achieve their learning goal.
  • Identify ways that you may be able to help them with their learning goals at home.
  • Visit Seesaw to see their Student Agency work and provide them with some feedback and identify some ways that you may like to support.
  • Participate in their Student Agency conference in Week 9 of Term 3. 
  • Celebrate their achievements with them. 






Janine Hough -

Brad Ryan - bradley.ryan and Brad.