Spotlight on Languages & Literacy 

Head of Faculty (Acting) - Elizabeth Sims

Junior School Literacy Focus: NAPLAN Success

The Languages and Literacy faculty began the academic year with a strong emphasis on literacy in years 7 and 9, and the results speak for themselves. Our students' outstanding NAPLAN results are a testament to their dedication and hard work, as well as the unwavering commitment of our teachers to provide a solid foundation in language and literacy skills.


In year 7, our students engaged in film reviews of the captivating movie "Turning Red." They showcased their analytical abilities, critical thinking, and creative expression through their reviews. Additionally, year 7 delved into the novel "Wonder," exploring the themes of empathy, acceptance, and the power of kindness, and developing their analytical essay skills.


Meanwhile, our year 8 students began their literary journey by exploring the beauty and intricacy of poetry. This was followed by a thought-provoking novel study on "A Kind of Spark." Through these experiences, our students honed their interpretive and analytical skills, while also fostering a love for literature.


Year 8's Next Focus: Narrative and Persuasive Writing

With term one's literary exploration behind them, our year 8 students are now eagerly embarking on their next literacy focus for the coming two terms. They will be immersed in the world of narrative writing, where they will craft captivating stories and explore the power of storytelling. Towards the end of the year, they will venture into persuasive writing, learning to present compelling arguments and opinions.


Year 9: From Persuasive Speaking to Uglies

Following their persuasive speaking unit, year 9 students have now ventured into the enthralling world of "Uglies," a novel that challenges their perspectives on beauty, conformity, and individuality. This thought-provoking novel study aims to encourage critical thinking and initiate discussions on societal norms and expectations.


Senior School: Year 10's Diverse Text Exploration

Year 10 General, Literature and Essential English students have been immersed in a diverse range of texts throughout term one, including the timeless works of Shakespeare, the gripping narrative of "The Book Thief," the visually compelling works of Shuan Tan, and the profound poetry of the Romantic era. Additionally, they have developed their analytical and narrative writing skills, refining their abilities to convey emotions and craft compelling stories.


Year 10's Semester 2 Focus: Speaking and Analytical Skills

The second semester for year 10 will see them diving into the development of presentation and speaking skills. They will learn the art of effective communication and persuasion, essential skills for their future endeavours.


Additionally, year 10 students will sharpen their analytical abilities, as they delve into the world of analytical essays. This skill will not only aid them in their language and literature studies but will also be invaluable in their academic journey as a whole.

Furthermore, they will explore the art of writing feature articles, learning how to engage readers with captivating stories and informative pieces.


Year 11 and Year 12: Rising to Challenges

Year 11 General, Literature and Essential English students have made a strong start to their year, demonstrating their commitment to learning by completing their formative assessments with dedication and diligence. The foundations laid through these assessments will be instrumental in preparing them for their upcoming Internal Assessments (IAs) at the end of this year and the beginning of next year.


Year 12 General, Literature and Essential English students have excelled, with both rounds of confirmation confirming their impressive results. Their achievements are a testament to the exceptional teaching and learning environment fostered by our dedicated teachers and the hard work and determination of our students. As we draw closer to the external examinations we wish them well.


Italian Language Program: A Journey of Cultural Discovery

In our Italian language program, our students have been immersed in the rich and vibrant world of Italian culture and language. Year 7 students began their Italian journey by learning the basics of the language, including greetings, self-introductions, and essential phrases for daily interactions. They also explored cultural aspects, such as Italian traditions and customs, creating a well-rounded foundation for their future language studies.


Building upon their knowledge from Year 7, our Year 8 students embarked on an enriching journey in term one, where they delved into the art of describing people and animals. Learning to express physical attributes, personality traits, and characteristics in Italian opened new avenues for their linguistic growth. In term two, they broadened their language skills by mastering vocabulary related to school subjects, telling the time, and conversing in Italian while shopping or dining out.


Year 9 students further enhanced their language proficiency by revising previous concepts and embracing new challenges. In term one, they explored the language needed for discussing the weather and their health status, especially in the context of visiting a doctor. They also learned essential medical terms and phrases, equipping them with the language necessary to seek assistance in Italian-speaking regions. In term two, students delved into the fascinating world of hobbies and sports, comparing the popular activities in Italy and Australia, fostering cross-cultural understanding.


Year 10 students have been on an incredible linguistic and cultural exploration, revising concepts from previous years and embracing more complex language skills. In term one, they embarked on a virtual journey, learning the language needed for traveling, booking hotel rooms, and purchasing train or plane tickets. This hands-on approach enabled them to immerse themselves in Italian culture, preparing them for future adventures abroad. In term two, they dove into contemporary topics such as technology and social media, discussing differences in usage between Italy and Australia. They also learned about Italian festivities and their significance, further deepening their understanding of Italian culture. As a fun and engaging element, students discovered the meanings behind common Italian hand gestures, a unique aspect of Italian communication.

Our Italian language program aims not only to develop linguistic proficiency but also to foster cultural appreciation and global awareness. By exploring the language and culture of Italy, our students are equipped with invaluable skills that will enrich their lives and open doors to new opportunities.


Japanese Language Program: Embracing the Beauty of Japanese Culture

In our Japanese language program, students have had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the fascinating world of Japan – its language, customs, and rich cultural heritage. The journey began with our Year 7 students, who were introduced to the basics of the Japanese language. From greetings and self-introductions to expressing dates, birthdays, and personal information, they have built a strong foundation for their Japanese language skills.


Year 8 students continued their linguistic adventures by revisiting and reinforcing concepts learned in Year 7. In term one, they delved into describing people and animals, skilfully expressing physical appearances, colors, and personalities in Japanese. In term two, they broadened their language skills by mastering vocabulary related to school subjects, time-telling, and practical language for shopping and dining experiences.

As our Year 9 students progressed in their language journey, they revisited earlier concepts while embracing new challenges. In term one, they expanded their language proficiency to discuss weather, health, and visiting the doctor. They learned important medical terms and phrases, as well as the emergency contact number in Japan. In term two, they explored the world of hobbies and sports, sharing their interests and comparing popular activities in Japan and Australia, fostering cross-cultural connections.

Year 10 Japanese brought excitement and friendly competition with the highlight being the "Longest Sentence Competition." Students demonstrated their mastery of grammar, vocabulary, and writing skills as they competed to construct the longest, most grammatically accurate sentence with the highest character count. This engaging activity not only showcased their language prowess but also their enthusiasm for embracing the intricacies of the Japanese language.


To support and deepen language and cultural explorations, students are currently hosting 19 students from Nigawa Gakuin High School. This exchange program fosters meaningful connections between our students and theirs, providing an immersive experience in both language and culture. Through interactions and shared experiences, our students gain a deeper appreciation for the diversity and beauty of the Japanese culture, while building friendships that transcend borders.


Our Japanese language program aims to not only develop linguistic fluency but also to instil a profound appreciation for Japan's rich cultural tapestry. By delving into the language and customs of Japan, our students gain invaluable skills that extend beyond the classroom, promoting global understanding and fostering a sense of international community.