Deputy Principal - Identity

Richard Rogusz


NAIDOC Week is an annual, national celebration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and cultures. Each year, it is held in the first week of July and usually falls during our mid-year break. The theme for NAIDOC Week this year is “For Our Elders.” Across every generation, Elders have played, and continue to play, an important role and hold a prominent place in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and families. To celebrate NAIDOC Week, Ms Willoughby, Acting Head of Arts, invited our First Nations students to create an artwork that reflected this year’s theme. Tahni Dreise (Year 12, Spoleto 1) produced the painting “Connection in Tones.” 


The painting has six vibrant sections of different colours. Gold detail connects the different sections of the painting and symbolises the unbreakable bond between past, present and future. The middle section incorporates six Indigenous figures. They are wearing different types of traditional clothing and some of these figures are dancing. This symbolises how Elders share (and shared) stories and traditions through ceremony, dance and song. These figures are also decorated with ochre patterns. This form patterning has an important role in many Aboriginal ceremonies and is a symbol of identity, belonging and connection to Country. A Torres Strait Islander man is depicted in a Dhari. Dharis are a central part of Torres Strait Islander cultures and common to all island groups. They represent the unique heritage, tradition and customs of the various Islander communities. I extend my thanks to Tahni for sharing her talents with us. Her painting is a wonderful reminder of the importance of respect for the experience of those who are older and whose lives have much to teach us. Perhaps we could all - Indigenous and non-Indigenous people alike - take a few moments to remember those in our own lives who have gifted us with their care, support and wisdom: parents, grandparents, aunts or uncles and community leaders.


Catholic Education Week

This week, 23 – 29 July, Catholic schools in Queensland have celebrated Catholic Education Week. This annual event is held to promote the special ethos of Catholic schools and to highlight the great things that take place in Catholic schools every day.  The theme for this year’s celebrations is “Communities of Faith, Hope and Love.” Catholic education strives to make a difference in the lives of staff, students and families in our schools by teaching the message of Jesus and the call to be compassionate, contributing, life-giving members of society. There are 313 Catholic schools in Queensland that educate around 154,000 students and employ more than 22,000 teachers and staff. Our celebration of Catholic Education Week commenced on Sunday 23 July with a Mass for the St Anthony’s School, Padua College and Mount Alvernia College communities. This week, our College celebration coincided with Wellness Week that culminated in Colour Day today. Such events highlight the genuine respect and concern for others that we seek to foster within our school community.  I would like to extend my thanks to all students who contributed to the Mass and Wellness Week, particularly members of our College Choir and the College Captains. I would also like to acknowledge the work of Ms Daniella Curcuruto for her organisation and conducting of the choir during rehearsals on Thursday and Sunday and at the Mass. It is a wonderful example of the spirit of Mount Alvernia College. 


Wellness Week & Colour Day

This week our 2023 College Captains have done a wonderful job in facilitating Wellness Week. This initiative recognised the importance of physical and mental wellbeing to personal growth, happiness and fulfilment. Our Wellness activities included House Assemblies; wellness presentations in PB classes; letters of affirmation and gratitude to foster self-love and to express gratitude for others (Monday); Just Dance to activate endorphins and boost happiness (Tuesday); mindful colouring (Wednesday); and a break time movie (Thursday). The week culminated in Colour Day today where students wore blue accessories and joined the festive atmosphere in Francis Court in support of Beyond Blue. A huge than you to the Captains for their organisation and oversight of the week. 

Year 12 Street Retreat

Last Thursday, Ms Clark and I accompanied twelve students on our Year 12 Street Retreat. This immersive experience was facilitated by the Vinnies Youth Team and deepened students’ understanding and awareness of homelessness in Brisbane. We commenced the retreat at the Vinnies Office in South Brisbane where we had a chance to reflect on what we knew about homelessness in Australia. We then walked the streets of Brisbane to understand the challenges facing people experiencing homelessness including hostile architecture. The students concluded the retreat with a meal challenge that reinforced the difficulties of accessing even basic needs. Thank you to the students who took part in this experience. You were wonderful representatives of the College. 


Thank you to the students in Years 10 - 12 who have registered for the Mount Alvernia College School Sleepout that will take place from 5.00pm on Thursday 3 August until 8.00am Friday 4 August in the San Damiano Centre. The cost of the Sleepout is $15 per student which is payable on the night. Students are asked to bring cash if possible. The registration fee will cover the cost of dinner and breakfast and a donation to our designated charity for this year: the Saint Vincent de Paul Society. The purpose of this event is to deepen students’ understanding of homelessness and its causes and to provide students with an experience of sleeping rough. The Sleepout coincides with National Homelessness Week. 


Year 7 Reflection Day

Last Friday, Year 7 students participated in their Reflection Day. This day facilitated by Mr Michael Fitzpatrick, allowed students to build their relationships with one another and learn more about the Mount Alvernia College story and our Franciscan inspiration. All Year 7 religion teachers who were present were impressed with the engagement and response of the students and their willingness to build stronger relationships with each other and the Mount Alvernia College community. Congratulations to all our students and a sincere thank you to our supervising teachers: Mrs Barlow, Mrs Butterworth, Miss Harrison, Ms Moffat and Ms McLean. 

Encounter Youth 

Encounter Youth is a faith-based youth group for secondary school students. Students meet from 6.30 – 8.30pm every Thursday at Little Flower Parish Hall, Turner Road, Kedron.