From the Principal 

Meagan Cook

Usually, my article is a summary of all the great things that have been happening in and around our school community, however, during the last few weeks our community's strength has been on display as we navigated the sad news of Oscar Anderson's passing. 


I have been so proud to see the way our community has supported each other and how we have been able to wrap our arms around those closest to Oscar. For many of our students, this is their first-time navigating loss and they have been so brave and caring. 


Losing someone so young and full of life doesn't make sense, and we will continue to support everyone that has been impacted by this.


Oscar has left a mark on all that knew and loved him, and he will be forever in all of our hearts as we grieve alongside his family and loved ones. Oscar's funeral was a true celebration of his life and highlighted his caring and fun-loving nature.  The words spoken by his loved ones, including his older brothers, left a mark on all that were present. 


The sheer number of people in attendance demonstrated the impact that Oscar had on our community and the community at large. 


Oscar's legacy will live on in the hearts of all who knew him.


We hope that everyone in our community is holding their loved ones just that little bit tighter at the moment, as we believe Oscar would like that. 


Take care.


Meagan Cook