Principal News

Dear Parents, Students and Friends,

This week I attended the Marist Schools Australia Biennial Conference in Melbourne with Director Of Mission, Mr Neville and Leader of Curriculum, Mr Seers. The Marists always have a number of quality speakers at these conferences and this one was no exception. The lead speaker was  the Bishop of Lismore, Greg Homeming. Bishop Greg as he was called is an Australian born Chinese man . He  worked as a solicitor and completed degrees in Law and Economics before  joining the Carmelite Order in 1987.

Bishop Homeming spoke  on the topic of Spirituality and  Leadership.


Very heady stuff but he made complex concepts very easy to think about. He said that we are all called to be “Holy”! Holiness doesn’t just reside in the big saints of the Catholic/Christian tradition. He said that as we are created in God’s image we have God within us! We are pretty close to perfection if we just work at it. We can become holy or holier by living life as best as we can.  If we face our struggles and do “good” in our daily life we are nearer to God. We become holy.


A call to holiness is a call to be in God’s presence, to see God, feel God and to reveal your true self. That is what lies within each one of us. God is with you...we just have to “Let it Be” and do the work needed on self.


I witness this desire within our community every day. Students and staff working hard to give their best. In class, in the playgrounds, on the sporting fields and in community service. It is about living our Mission. Every newsletter shows endless examples of this “Call to Holiness”. It keeps our College growing. It is a living example of “The Way, The Truth, The Life.”


Congratulations to all recipients of Academic Awards at our ceremonies held today, Friday 2 August. Many students have done so well and many were taking their first steps towards improvement. Everyone has different goals and different starting points. Progress and improvement are personal and so much has been done by so many this year. I reminded everyone that we are all ‘works in progress” and there is still much to be done. It has been a good start! Thank you to parents, grandparents and siblings who were able to join us. You are always most welcome. I especially thank the staff for their work. Students would like to know that their teachers and support staff are very proud of them and these moments are an occasion that we all enjoy.


Keep going...


Special welcome to Fr Paul our new College Chaplain.  Fr Paul commenced visiting classes this week.   


Peace and Best Wishes