Around the College

Mini Vinnies Easter Appeal

Even though the year has just started, the Mini Vinnies team is already hard at work preparing for our Easter raffle. Very soon hampers will be created and students will be selling tickets during Pastoral and lunchtime. Money raised from the raffle will go towards the St Anthony's tutoring program, which will enable this volunteer group to purchase much-needed items such as stationery, technology and basic items such as food for the students who attend after school. Last year they were extremely grateful for our contributions. 

The wider school community can assist us in two ways:

1) Make a donation of the chocolate type to put towards our hampers. These can be brought in by students and given to Ms Douglass or any Mini Vinnie.

2) Purchase tickets from any Mini Vinnie as they move around the school.

Last year we raised $500 so it would be wonderful to top this amount.


On another note, I would like to congratulate Emma Xerri and Daniel White, who have both been elected as our President and Vice President of the Vinnies Conference for 2018. Please support them in their roles. They will be magnificent.

We have a number of new faces this year and we especially welcome our new Year 7's who have joined our team. If anyone else still wishes to be apart of this amazing group of students, please feel free to come along to any meeting, held every Day 2 in C1-7 at lunchtime. This is where we plan our 'Good Works'.


Ms Lisa Douglass

Mini Vinnies Co-ordinator

Laurel Acceleration Program

Year 10 students enjoy a taste of Shakespeare

On Wednesday the 21st of February, two tremendous performers from The Flying Bookworm Theatre Company visited Nazareth College to perform an informative and very entertaining rendition of classic Shakespeare play Romeo and Juliet.

Their rendition focused on the more pivotal scenes in the play which were explained in such a way that allowed for a much deeper understanding of the complex language that Shakespeare used in his writing. They enhanced our understanding of the play not only through their dynamic performance, but by using modernised versions of the scenes to better appeal to all students, using language heard more commonly in our everyday language.

The friendly and welcoming personalities of the actors also encouraged many Year 10 students to get up on stage and perform using language that they would never otherwise use and step out of their comfort zone by performing for their peers. 

I can happily say that the incursion left me with not only new thoughts and ideas regarding the play and its themes because of my newfound understanding, but also a greater desire to study Shakespeare in the future.

The Flying Bookworm Theatre Company did an excellent job and we are very grateful that they shared their time and Shakespearean knowledge with us.


Emma Xerri

MacKillop 2

Year 12 Chemistry

Last week in Year 12 Chemistry a group of students collected data on exothermic and endothermic reactions and tabulated it in a graph. Well done Dean, Darcy and Keisha. 


Ms Sheba Gurm

Learning Area Leader, Science