Faith and Wellbeing Assistant Principal's Report


As we continue through the season of Lent we are reminded that there was an invitation that we heard at the very beginning of Lent on Ash Wednesday to ‘Come back to me with all your heart’ (Joel 2:12). One clear way back is through prayer.  We are very blessed at Nazareth College to have a Chapel with the Blessed Sacrament  so students are able to go and spend time in the presence of and speak to Jesus heart to heart.  We encourage students to make a visit to the Chapel during Lent.  We also have the sacrament of Confession/Reconciliation for each RE class during Lent and the opportunity for Mass each Thursday at 8.10am.  These are all given as ways to come back to our God. We encourage all members of our community to make the most of the great blessings and opportunities we have here and to live deeply this beautiful season.

Half way

As we approach the half way mark of the Term, as expected we have seen in the first few weeks that most of our students have been making a real and genuine effort at school. It seems towards the end of last week we started to see a few students beginning to behave in not quite the same ways as they have thus far. If your daughter or son has had some issues with their behaviour, effort or approach in and to class in the last few years and there are some signs it may be going to happen once again this year, then it is time for us to work together. We understand and appreciate that it can be challenging for students and desire to work with parents and families to get the best learning outcomes for your child.  We are also mindful that we need to change something if we want a different outcome to what has historically come. The saying goes that if ‘you do what you always did, you will get what you always got’.  If things are not going well let’s look together at the problem, what is the nature of this problem? Where is it coming from?  What is behind this problem?  What can we do together?  How can we work in partnership, what can we do differently to get a different and better outcome for the student? 

Please contact the Subject Teachers or Pastoral Teachers if there are issues with behaviour or issues that might be affecting behaviour at school, so we can work together to look after and provide the best possible outcomes for their human development and learning.

Year 12 Students

A reminder that the $10.00 for supplies of the Year 12 Kitchen is well and truly overdue.  Year 12 students that have not paid please pay the $10.00 as soon as possible. 


We are making a concerted effort as a staff to improve the uniform. Thanks for your support of us in our endeavours with uniforms.  Please continue to support us with the uniform and provide a note for your son/daughter if they are to be out of class at any time.

Opening of the School Mass

At our Opening Mass we had the blessing of our 2018 Student College Leaders and the Commissioning of the College St. Vincent de Paul Conference.  It is great to see the number of students willing to put their hands up to do something to make a difference in both our community and beyond. 


Mr Justin Duckett

Assistant Principal

Director of Wellbeing Report

This week the students have had their first extended pastoral period. Day 7, period 3 is set aside each fortnight for the explicit teaching of social emotional learning. During this time, students will be in either their pastoral group or in their year level house group to learn about how they grow both socially and emotional. They will focus on their personal emotional regulation and behaviour, learning about how they can control their thinking and mindset to be more positive, both for themselves and in the relationships they have with others. 

Students will also be learning about the positive behaviour expectations, as out lined in our PBS chart. Under the headings of Respect, Responsibility and Resilience, students will consider what these mean in different areas of the school and on different school occasions. All PBS practices are founded on the assumption and belief that all students can exhibit appropriate behaviour, when they clearly understand what is expected. As a result, it is our responsibility to identify the contextual setting, events and environmental conditions that enable exhibition of appropriate behaviour. 

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Click to englarge

Teachers will be going through the chart in fine detail, with students having discussions about each point and considering why each point is important. Each classroom has a large copy of this chart on the wall as a constant visual reminder of the positive behaviour expected. This is a proactive way of students explicitly learning about how they should behave, and allows them to feel safe and secure in our community.


Ms Jackie Kol

Director of Wellbeing