Learning Assistant Principal's Report

A word or two from our 2017 College Dux
In her 2017 College Dux address to the students, staff and guests at the opening College Assembly, Isabelle-Lili Smale expressed her appreciation of the Nazareth College staff and provided advice for the Class of 2018 and all students. Highlights from our Dux's speech included:
- “To my teachers, words cannot express the level of gratitude I hold for the incredible amount of work each and every one of you poured into us. I can honestly say that I have learnt so much from you not only as a student, but as a person. I truly see you as inspirations and will forever treasure the lessons I’ve learnt from your unwavering patience, dedication and generosity."
- “We heard it a million times… ‘Year 12 is a marathon, not a sprint’. … I must admit, the old legend does indeed hold some truth.”
- “I hope you never stop challenging yourself and I wish you all the best in your future endeavours”
- “To the Class of 2018. I challenge you to see what happens when you don't give up. Year 12 is tough, but know you have nothing to lose by working hard. Remember doing a little bit of work is better than none, and often the hardest part is just getting started.”
- When the time comes at the end of the year for you to receive your ATAR, no matter what it is, make sure you can view it proudly, knowing you gave it your all”
- “Know that the harder you work, the easier things become”
Lili concluded with wise words that each student controls their own destiny: “’Don’t be afraid to dream big’ is a cliché, but nothing is impossible: but it is in your hands”
Photos from the assembly are available on the Nazareth College Facebook page: search Facebook for “NazarethCollegeAU” and “Like” the page to keep updated on College events and see more of the life an colour of the Nazareth College.
Student Learning Progress
We are somehow almost at the halfway mark of Term 1 already, the perfect time for students to reflect on their academic progress in 2018. A key question for any work done is a simple one: “Is that your best work?” For the student who can respond “Yes”, there is a satisfaction in knowing that their learning is on track for a successful 2018. For the student who is unsure in their response, further questions should be examined, such as: What could I improve? How strictly am I sticking to my study timetable? How have I prioritised my learning to ensure a successful year?
Staff are likewise reflecting on student learning efforts and achievement and will soon be compiling the Interim Reports, a snapshot of progress to date. The formal Interim Reports will be available to parents on PAM on Tuesday 27 March. Parents who have misplaced their PAM login details are encouraged to email the College ICT Help Desk via icthelpdesk@nazareth.vic.edu.au or phone the College and ask for the ICT Help Desk.
Mr David Broadbent
Assistant Principal - Learning