Careers News

2017 Year 12 students Destinations 

Congratulations to the Year 12 students from 2017 for taking the first exciting step towards their future and receiving outstanding post school destinations. 

 At Nazareth, we are pleased to report that 99% of students who made applications for further study at University or TAFE entry received an offer. We are extremely proud of our students with 88% receiving their first or second preference through the VTAC process. Like last year, the majority of offers were for RMIT, Monash University and Deakin University.  We have had feedback from these universities acknowledging the retention rate of our students which acknowledges that they are happy with the well informed choices they have made.

There were also 2 apprenticeships received and more offers from direct applications. No student opted to go straight into the workforce indicating that our students preferred to continue studying. This is an indication of lifelong learning and focus for their future.

This is largely due to the time and effort students took in creating a detailed and thorough course application through VTAC, and by taking advantage of all the added opportunities we are given through our partnerships through Monash University and RMIT. This involves the delivery of a range of school incursions and excursions to support their engagement and knowledge of University and student life. This includes Mentoring programs for Year 11 and 12 students , University lectures, seminars and folio enhancement workshops, a variety of faculty based , curriculum focused experiences  and lectures about applying to tertiary institutions. We also have the opportunity to apply for extra consideration when offers are being considered through the SNAP program (Schools Network Access Program at RMIT) and the Monash Guarantee. 

These programs assist students to access, participate and succeed in higher education. They also allow us the opportunities to enter these universities with lower ATAR scores than advertised with a detailed application which is a huge advantage for our students.

I am looking forward to working with our 2018 cohort to ensure the same success.

As our past students prepare to start their new and exciting adventure this week, we wish them well in this next chapter of their lives.

Monash Mentor Program

Our partnership with Schools Access Monash (SAM) has continued this year with our new mentees being introduced to the program last week. This program matches a Monash University student with a Nazareth student who has applied to be involved in the program. 

A Mentor assists their Nazareth Mentee with study skills, organisation and tutoring, They have also provided an opportunity to have students shadow them in university lectures so our student gets real insight to how learning is difference when you leave high school. They may also take them to industry visits so they can see what happens in their industry of choice in the workplace. They may take them to Open Days and assist with their tertiary applications. 

This is a hugely successful and worthwhile program with Mentors and Mentees meeting fortnightly throughout the year. All who have been involved have been very positive about this opportunity and the friendships they have made during the two year partnership. 



Our Year 10 LEAP students made a tremendous start to their TAFE subject last week with most choosing to start with Building and Construction on a Monday afternoon. This is quite an overwhelming environment for Year 10 students and they handled themselves admirably. This opportunity to study a "hands on" subject at TAFE will promote independence and confidence. We look forward to seeing them flourish and learn in this adult location.

Year 10 Work Experience

This year all Year 10 students will undertake a one week work placement of their choice during the last week in June.  Students were introduced to the program during Fast Start last December and were given material to help them approach employers to look for a placement. The due date to hand in their paperwork is the end of Term 1. I urge all Year 10s to get cracking and get asking. Don’t be put off by “knock backs” that is part of the whole experience - after all, as adults we have not always received the first job we have applied for.  Parents please encourage your child to find a job placement themselves – it is a really important part of the program. Perhaps suggesting that they use family networks by asking relatives or friends to take them on. Why not try your sports coach or church group ? Please note though that students are not to work with their parents or at their regular part time job.

Remember – the longer you leave it, the quicker places fill up.

Good luck to all. 


Elena Flodstrom

Pathways Co-ordiator