
In the Gospel last Sunday when Peter is present with James and John at the Transfiguration in Mark 9:5 he remarks that ‘it is good that we are here’ upon seeing this extraordinary site of Jesus transfigured with Moses and Elijah.  At this moment he is given an insight into the glory and divinity of Jesus, the Nazarene.  He notes that not only is it good to be there, but that he would like this moment to continue, ‘let us make three tents, one for Jesus, one for Moses and one for Elijah’.  It is normal that with an experience of such wonder and beauty, that one would want this experience to continue.

As we reflect on this reading we ask the Holy Spirit during this season of Lent to help us become more aware of the moments in our life where we get to see something of God and are given some insight into the presence and mind of God.  I wonder sometimes how often God may be wanting to show me something beautiful, or tell me something wonderful but I am too busy with my own agenda and do not see or hear the beauty and wonder around me.

We pray that during this season of Lent we may become more aware of the presence of God around us in the ordinary and every day events of life.  May God give us the eyes to see in the ‘Blessed Ordinariness’ the beauty of God and be able to say ‘it is good that we are here’, so we can live deeply in the sacrament of the present moment and be present to what God wants to give us at this moment.

Lent gives us the opportunity to respond to the call as we heard from the prophet Joel on Ash Wednesday to ‘come back to me with all your heart’.  In each moment there is an opportunity for us to be united with the God who is always with us.  On the bus, at the dinner table, in the classroom, in the supermarket, He is with us, let us stop, open our eyes and ears, see the beauty, acknowledge His presence and say it is indeed ‘good that we are here’, it is good to be with You.


Holy Family of Nazareth – Be our inspiration and our guide

Jesus of Nazareth – Help us to grow in faith, wisdom and knowledge