Wellbeing &
Wellbeing &
Each year, the Spine Society of Australia recommends that all girls in Years 5 to 7 participate in the National Self-Detection Program for Scoliosis. Scoliosis (spinal curvature) is an important health problem for adolescent girls. Twenty-five girls per thousand are at risk of developing a significant curve and three girls per thousand require active treatment (spinal brace or surgery). In the early stages the condition is most often asymptomatic, so screening in the age range of 10 to 12 years is a sound preventative measure. When school screening for scoliosis was abandoned some years ago, the Spine Society of Australia introduced the National Self-Detection Program for Scoliosis as a practical alternative.
Information about the self-detection program can be found at www.scoliosis-australia.org, along with a fact sheet providing information on how to self-assess for scoliosis. The Scoliosis Australia website contains comprehensive credible information about the symptoms and treatment of scoliosis. Additionally, their forum is a useful resource and offers a strong support base for adolescent patients with scoliosis and their parents. We recommend that you access the website and complete a self-assessment with your 10 to 12-year-old girls.
Hearing issues are a common cause of speech, learning and behavioural problems so it is important for all children to have their hearing tested. If a child struggles to hear, they’ll also struggle to learn. The World Health Organisation recommends children have their hearing tested when they start school.
This article is to inform you about the new Sound Scouts children's hearing test. Thanks to support from the Federal Government, Sound Scouts test sessions are now free for all school aged children (4-17yrs). The test is evidence-based and recommended by Australian Hearing. For more information please copy and paste this Sound Scouts attachment in your browser:
or visit the Sound Scout website:
I have also attached the Federal Government media release for your reference and a recent Channel 7 News report link below.
One in ten children are held back at school by hearing loss. Download the app, or contact me at school, to ensure your child isn’t one of them!
This year we will be implementing the Buddy Program across the whole school. This will replace Friendship Groups, which has run for the last 4 years. Here are the core features of the Buddy Program:
- Assist with transition into primary school
- Contributes to a friendly and caring school culture
- Provides positive role models
- Develops empathy
- Develops positive cross-age relationships
- Promotes inclusion
- Builds self confidence
- Provides opportunities to practise organisation
- Develops responsibility
- Teaches pro-social values
- Provides opportunities for peer tutoring
- Develops social skills
- Discourages bullying.
Buddy classes are:
Year 6B & Prep S
Year 6F & Prep E
Year 5B & R & Prep B
Year 4C & 2B
Year 4G & 2C
Year 3L & 1C
Year 3M & 1F
At Galilee, students have the opportunity to play in a variety of spaces. One of the spaces which is very well attended each day is the school hall. Here students can come to spend some time-out, playing, building, reading or drawing. Many students come in small groups to play games or create together. Older students welcome Galilee’s younger students to join in their groups and support them in activities.
Working together, students learn behaviours such as sharing, taking turns and patience.
Here are some of the amazing creations from last week.