Principal's Report

Dear Families
As we come to the end of our first term it is the perfect opportunity to stop and reflect on what has been a busy and exciting start to the year filled with a wide variety of learning opportunities for our students.
We began the term with a focus on Mathematics and English assessment over two days. The assessment completed has given teachers the opportunity to target their teaching and ensure that every student is challenged and supported at their specific area of need. Reading continued to be a focus through Daily 5 and CAFE, and the introduction of SMART spelling has enabled a consistent approach to the teaching of spelling across P-6.
We continued to receive some funding from Catholic Education Melbourne to improve our Mathematics Program at Galilee. The teachers used the data gained from the Maths Number Interview to inform a targeted approach to the teaching and learning of Mathematics. Students are targeted at their specific areas of need through a differentiated approach and through focus teaching groups in the classroom. Our Year 3 and 4 teachers attended Professional Development that has assisted them in how they can meet the needs of all students in their class.
It has been an exciting experience moving through the classrooms and seeing students engaged in their learning and experiencing new challenges. The Term 1 STEM focus 'Belonging', has allowed for various incursions and excursions to take place. The Year 3 students went to Melbourne Museum last Friday to learn about the animal classification that they belong to.
Last week, the Year 4 students experienced an incursion by 'Animals of Oz', where they learnt about animal habitats and what animals need to survive. They thoroughly enjoyed holding and patting the different animals.
Our Year 3 students have been on a very special journey this term as they have been preparing to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time. Students were invited into dialogue with each other at the Parent and Child Faith Night and the Reflection Day last Monday. It has been inspiring to watch students grow in their faith understanding as they prepare to receive one of the Sacraments of Healing next week.
This term our students engaged in sport through their participation in the Athletics Carnival. It was great to see all our students compete in the various events of discus, shot put, long jump, triple jump, high jump, hurdles, 100m, 200m, 800m and the Prep-2 Tabloid Sports. We were proud of all of our students for not only giving everything a go but for also showing wonderful sportsmanship, encouraging others, working on their strategic approach and enjoying themselves.
Our Yr 3-6 Swimming squad competed at the Dendy Swimming Carnival earlier in the term with some students achieving personal best results. It was wonderful to see some of our students advance through to Beachside Division. Congratulations to Luca B in 4G for progressing to Regionals and coming 1st in the 50m freestyle.
Our camping program has given students the opportunity to engage in a range of new activities, develop new skills, step outside their comfort zone and take responsible risks. It was wonderful to watch our students flourish as they challenged themselves on giant swings, in canoes and on surfboards last week. Our camping program gives our students the chance to experience learning opportunities in a range of different settings. The Year 4's spent three days at Angahook Camp in Aireys Inlet where they participated in team based activities.
Our Year 6 students had a wonderful experience in Canberra learning about our democratic system in our national parliamentary buildings, and our Year 5 students travelled to Merrick's last week, where they were given the opportunity to learn to surf among many other activities.
Thank you to everyone for your contribution to our school community and ensuring that we have been able to educate the whole child during Term One. Thank you to those who helped at our Welcome Picnic, Open Day and Athletics Day. Thank you to the staff who attended camps this term, leaving their families behind to ensure that our students had a wonderful time at camp. Thank you to those who assisted in preparing the Year 3 students for Reconciliation this term.
We wish you all a safe and enjoyable holiday and every blessing during the Easter period.
An Easter Blessing
May the Resurrection of our Saviour be a constant reminder of His love and promise of eternal life.
Simon Millar, Danielle Gerecke, Carlo Martello
The National Assessment Program-Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) assesses literacy and numeracy skills that are essential for every child to progress through school and life. Students in Years 3 & 5 participate in the annual NAPLAN tests in reading, writing, conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. The assessment provides parents and schools with an understanding of how individual students are performing at the time of the tests. NAPLAN is just one aspect of a school's assessment and reporting process. NAPLAN also provides schools, education authorities and governments with information about how education programs are working and whether young Australians are meeting important educational outcomes in literacy and numeracy.
All Year 3 & 5 students sat a NAPLAN Coordinated Practice Test (CPT) this morning.
Students were able to familiarise themselves with the NAPLAN Online tests by completing a short (45 minute) practice test. The practice test included questions from reading, conventions of language and numeracy, but not writing.
In addition to supporting student familiarisation, the NAPLAN Online practice test provided an opportunity for us to administer a trial run of NAPLAN Online ahead of the tests in May.
NAPLAN will be held from 14-24 May.
If you would like to familiarise yourself with NAPLAN Online at home, the following website can be accessed:
Harmony Day
We will be celebrating Harmony Day tomorrow with a special assembly and parade on the Basketball Court at 9am. Students can come dressed in a traditional costume that represents their cultural background OR wear something orange.
Harmony Day is a day to celebrate our cultural diversity. It’s about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone.
Any child who is unable to be photographed will not be able to participate in the parade.
Ride 2 School
Thank you to the 119 students that participated in Ride 2 School last Friday. Congratulations to Prep B who had the highest number of participants.
Staggered Breaks
On Monday we will be trialling staggered breaks as per the suggestions made by parents at the Community Conversation held last year. The day will split Prep-2 and 3-6 students during recess and lunch. Lunch orders will continue as normal. The times will be as follows:
Open Morning
There will be no Open Morning tomorrow and next Friday due to Harmony Day and Holy Week Assembly.
End of Term Events
The following will take place on the last day of term, next Friday 5th April at Galilee:
- Holy Week Stations of the Cross, 9am
- Easter Raffle 1pm
- End of Term 1.40pm
Please ensure you have organised for your child to be collected at 1.40pm or book into TheirCare OSH service