Message from Sickbay

Message from Sickbay

Spring is almost here: Remember to dress for the weather. As it warms up some children are prone to blood noses when they overheat. Remind your child/children to take off their jacket if they are too warm, if you know your child gets hot easily make sure they wear less layers.

Spring is also the season for hay fever. If you have a child that suffers from hay fever and it is going to be a high pollen count day it may be advisable to give your child their antihistamine before they come to school. This will save on trips by you to school to administer medication if it is not registered at school and trips to sick bay by your child, which takes them out of the community and takes away from their learning time.

Naming Uniform:  The amount of uniform without labels coming through lost property is slowly getting smaller, so thank you to all parents who have put names in their child’s uniform.

With the weather warming up, there will be a lot more jumpers coming through lost property. Now is the time to check that your child’s name is on their jumper and that it is still legible. Your assistance with this is greatly appreciated. Uniform from lost property that is labelled is returned to the correct community each week.

Drink bottles and lunchboxes also need to be labelled as these are regularly in lost property.

Second-hand Uniform: We currently have a lot of second-hand uniform for sale, if you need anything for your child, please pop in for a look.

Change of clothes: It is good for all Foundation students and others who are prone to “accidents” to have a change of clothes in their bag.



First Aid Officer