Term #3 Activities:
A very special welcome back to term three to all of our families and students.
It has already been a very busy start having celebrated the 100th day of school, the Prep Camping Experience (breakfast at school/activities), the Parent-Teacher Interviews, Grade 1/2 Science Inquiry Expo and the Book Fair (this week).
There is still a number of activities linked to the curriculum to look forward to, including Literacy/Numeracy Week, Book Week (which includes a special STEAM night mid-week) and the Grade 1/2 Camp Experience which involves a sleep over at school. More information about these events will be communicated through COMPASS and Facebook in the near future.
Parent Teacher Interviews:
Thank you to all the parents/carers who took part in the interview process in week #2. These interviews allowed students to lead the conversations around their success by sharing and celebrating learning from the past six months. It was also an important event as staff were able to communicate the skills students acquired, social and emotional wellbeing, attendance, attitude to learning as well as the work habits/effort being displayed in class.
NAPLAN Results:
The 2017 NAPLAN results will be provided to all schools from mid-August. Leadership in grades 3-6 will notify all parents when the reports are being sent home. Individual student results are strictly confidential. If you require assistance on how to read the report, please visit this website:
Term #3 – Parent Engagement:
Towards the end of term #2, the teaching staff at TSPS spent a majority of time testing and assessing all students within their communities in order to accurately report to parents via the academic student report. The data they have collated will allow them to personalise the learning, target specific needs, identify gaps and differentiate each lesson so that there is growth for ALL students along the Victorian Curriculum Continuum. With this in mind, we ask that you please be vigilant in regularly checking your child’s goals and achievements on COMPASS so that you can talk/ask about what they are learning. Our staff are more than happy to talk about your child’s learning. It is so critical that throughout the school year, we look to engage our families in regards to their student’s achievement.
Effective parent and family engagement in education is more than just participating in school meetings and helping with fundraising, it is actively engaging with your child’s learning, both at home and at school. When schools and families work together, children are more likely to perform better.
Please visit the Department of Education’s ‘Parent Engagement in Learning’ webpage for more tips and information to help you get involved in your child’s learning
“The best students come from homes where education is revered: where there are books, and children see their parents reading them”.
(Leo Buscaglia)
Joel Riddle – Ass. Principal (Curriculum)